Vaginitis is the most usual issue in gynecology, it is also known as a vaginal inflammation. Nearly every woman is suffering from this disease in some part of their life, although 15% of women are suffering from vaginal inflammation once a year.
The most usual symptoms are itching of the vulva, enhanced secretion from the vagina with a change of color or scent of the vaginal secretion, painful intercourse, painful and frequent urination, timidity of the external genital structures, etc.
The most usual type of vaginitis is called candidiasis infection caused by yeast fungi Candida albicans.
Dr. Eileen Hilton, infectious disease specialist from New York, says that you can eliminate this issue and very others with very effective natural way.
All you need to do is to drink a glass of fresh yogurt every day for a longer period. In fact, this recipe means regular consumption of yogurt, which must be contained by live acidophulis bacteria cultures.
There were some researches where Dr. Hilton encircled women who had repeatable vaginal inflammation. They were separated in two groups, where one group consumed a regular daily cup of yogurt, and the other did not. Three months later the vaginal inflammation it the group that used yogurt was decreased up to three times, in comparison to women who did not consumed yogurt.
With common yogurt intake, the inflammation was almost completely eliminated. Dr. Hilton counsels that every woman who is suffering from this problem should use one cup of yogurt per day.
The acidophilus which are found in many yogurts regulate the flora and treats inflammation. You can make yogurt at home if you use acidophilus cultures that can be bought in many health food markets. If you can’t make it by yourself by an compatible yoghurt in the store.
Vaginitis je najbolj običajna težava v ginekologijo, je znan tudi kot vnetje nožnice. Skoraj vsaka ženska je zbolela to v nekaj del njihovega življenja, čeprav 15 % ženske trpijo vnetje nožnice enkrat letno.
Najbolj običajni simptomi so srbenje vulve, povečano izločanje iz nožnice s spremembo barve ali vonj nožnice izločanje, boleč odnos, boleče in pogosto uriniranje, zadržanosti zunanjih spolnih struktur, itd.
Najbolj običajna vrsta vaginitis je imenovana kandidoza okužba posledica glive kvasovke Candida albicans.
Dr. Tatjana Hilton, specialist za nalezljive bolezni iz New Yorka, pravi, da lahko odpravi težavo in zelo drugi z zelo učinkovit naraven način.
Vse kar morate storiti je, da Popijte kozarec svežega jogurta vsak dan za daljše obdobje. Dejstvo je, ta recept pomeni redno uživanje jogurta, ki jih morajo vsebovati žive acidophulis bakterije kulture.
Tam so bili nekateri raziskovalci kjer Dr. Hilton obkrožena ženske, ki so imeli ponovljivi vnetje nožnice. So bili ločeni v dve skupini, kjer ena skupina porabljene redno dnevno skodelico jogurt, in druge ni. Tri mesece kasneje vnetje nožnice, ki je skupina, ki uporablja jogurt je zmanjšala do tri-krat, v primerjavi z ženskami, ki niso porabljene jogurt.
S skupno vnos jogurt, vnetje je bil skoraj popolnoma odpraviti. Dr. Hilton svetuje, da mora vsaka ženska, ki trpijo zaradi tega problema uporabite eno skodelico jogurt na dan.
Acidophilus, ki jih najdemo v mnogih jogurti uravnavajo floro in obravnava vnetje. Jogurt doma lahko naredite, če uporabljate acidophilus kultur, ki se lahko odkupuje veliko zdravje živilskih trgih. Če ga ne morete sami z združljiv jogurt v trgovini.