Kaj se zgodi, ko pijete zjutraj mešanico jabolčnega kisa in medu na tešče – prevedel google..spodaj je angleško besedilo
Objavil Ivan na 1. julij, 2015 Kaj se zgodi, ko pijete jabolčnega kisa in medu na tešče v Morning2015-07-01T15: 15: 38 + 00: 00 pod Diet & Hujšanje, Splošno, Zdravstvo, Naravna sredstva, Recepti No comment
Jabolčni kis in medu, so ena izmed najmočnejših sestavin. So zelo koristna za naše splošno zdravje, če jih porabijo v nepredelanem, surovi obliki. Če jih združiti skupaj, se boste počutili svoja pooblastila in pridobili več koristi. Medu bo vaš napitek okusno.
V primeru, da ste izkusili nekaj bolečine v sklepih, vnetje, prebavne težave in bolečine v grlu, morate piti jabolčni kis in medu na prazen želodec in boste občutili razliko in koristi iz teh naravnih sestavin.
Kaj se zgodi, ko pijete jabolčnega kisa in medu na tešče zjutraj,
Zdravstvene koristi mešanico jabolčnega kisa in medu
Ta kombinacija je zelo koristno za vaše telo zaradi svoje sposobnosti, da ste varni pred okužbami in zdravljenje različnih zdravstvenih pogojev, ki jih ustvarja probleme v vašem življenju.
Z njihovo zamudno vam bodo na voljo naslednje ugodnosti:
Boljše zdravje in odpravlja bolečine v sklepih (koristno za artritis bolečine)
Odprava kisline in lajša zgago
Imeli boste boljše prebavne zdravje, in je prav tako učinkovit proti zaprtosti
Zmanjšuje količine holesterola in zniža krvni tlak
izguba teže
Blaži bolečine v grlu
Poveča energijo
Mlajši videz in boljše zdravje kože
Odpravlja slab zadah
Zmanjšuje vnetje
Zakaj je to tako uspešna kombinacija?
Velika moč te kombinacije je zaradi svojih kemijskih lastnosti in interakcije s človeškim telesom. Zdravniki pojasnjujejo, da smo postali bolni, ko je kislost v našem telesu hitro povečal (pH pod 7).
Kis je naravno kislo, vendar ko se zaužije v našem telesu postane alkalna. Znano je, da je med zelo nizek pH, vendar se postavlja alkalnost organizma, ko je porabljena.
Vašega telesa pH bo uravnotežena s pomočjo te pijače, in v primeru, da je vaš organizem kisla, bo to kmalu postalo alkalno. Vi prispevajo k kislosti telesa, ki ga porabijo nekaj predelanih in nezdrave hrane in pijače in stresnega življenja. Naloge človeško telo najbolje, ko je rahlo alkalna, in da je, ko je njegov pH med 7,0 in 7,4.
Kako narediti zdravilni napitek iz jabolčnega kisa in medu
Prepričajte se, da so vaši sestavine nepredelane in v svojih surovih oblikah. Predelana jabolčni kis in medu vam ne bo dala vse prednosti. Da bi dobili vsak zdravstvene koristi te kombinacije, uporaba organskih in nepredelane sestavine.
1 čajna žlička surovega medu
1 čajna žlička jabolčnega kisa (lahko uporabite 1 žlico, če lahko prenašajo okus)
1 skodelica vode
Kdaj naj jo pijete?
Moral bi ga pijejo zjutraj, na prazen želodec. Zaužijte Ta pijača vsaj 20-30 minut, preden vaš zajtrk. Ga pijejo vsak dan.
Lahko ga pijejo dvakrat ali trikrat na dan. To je odvisno, če lahko rodi okus in svoje potrebe.
Da bi videli pravo moč in občutite prednosti te pijače, morate ga preizkusite sami. Moral bi vedeti, da se lahko porabijo velike količine jabolčnega kisa povzroči z nižjimi ravnmi kalija in zmanjšalo gostoto kosti.
Kis lahko interakcijo z diuretikov, odvajal in zdravil za zdravljenje sladkorne bolezni in bolezni srca, kar pomeni, da se morate posvetovati z zdravnikom, če nameravate uporabljati vsak dan.
– Preberite več na: http://www.healthyfoodteam.com/what-happens-when-you-drink-apple-cider-vinegar-and-honey-on-an-empty-stomach-in-the-morning/#sthash.BjdEio3D.dpuf
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What Happens When you Drink Apple Cider Vinegar and Honey on an Empty Stomach in the Morning
Posted by Ivan on July 1, 2015 What Happens When you Drink Apple Cider Vinegar and Honey on an Empty Stomach in the Morning2015-07-01T15:15:38+00:00 under Diet & Weight Loss, General, Health, Natural Remedies, Recipes No Comment
Apple cider vinegar and honey are one of the most powerful ingredients. They are very useful for our overall health if we consume them in their unprocessed, raw form. If you combine them together, you will feel their powers and gain more benefits. The honey will make your drink delicious.
In case you are experiencing some joint pain, inflammation, digestive problems and pain in the throat, you should drink apple cider vinegar and honey on an empty stomach and you will feel the difference and the benefits from these natural ingredients.
What Happens When you Drink Apple Vinegar and Honey on an Empty Stomach in the Morning
The health benefits of a mixture of apple cider vinegar and honey
This combination is very helpful for your body because of its capability to keep you safe from infections and treating various health conditions that are making problems in your life.
By consuming them you will be provided with the following benefits:
Better health and eliminating the ache in the joints (helpful for arthritis ache)
Eliminating acid and relieves heartburn
You will have better digestive health, and it is also efficient against constipation
Reduces cholesterol amounts and decreases blood pressure
Weight loss
Relieves sore throat
Increases energy
Younger look and better skin health
Eliminates bad breath
Reduces inflammation
Why is this so successful combination?
The great power of this combination is because of its chemical properties and interaction with the human body. The doctors are explaining that we are becoming sick when the acidity in our body is rapidly increased (pH below 7).
The vinegar is naturally sour, but when it is ingested in our body it becomes alkaline. It is well known that the honey has very low pH, but raises the alkalinity of the organism once it is consumed.
Your body’s pH will be balanced with the help of this drink, and in case your organism is acidic, it will soon become alkaline. You are contributing to the acidity of your body by consuming some processed and unhealthy foods and drinks and with a stressful lifestyle. The human body functions best when it is slightly alkaline, and that is when its pH is between 7.0 and 7.4.
How to make a healing potion of apple cider vinegar and honey
Make sure that your ingredients are unprocessed and in their raw forms. The processed apple cider vinegar and honey will not provide you with all of the benefits. In order to get every single health benefit of this combination, use organic and unprocessed ingredients.
Mix together:
1 teaspoon of raw honey
1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar (you can use 1 tablespoon if you can tolerate the taste)
1 cup of water
When you should drink it?
You should drink it in the mornings, on an empty stomach. Consume this drink at least 20-30 minutes before having your breakfast. Drink it every day.
You can drink it twice or three times in a day. It depends if you can bare the taste and your needs.
In order to see the true power and feel the benefits of this drink, you should try it by yourself. You should know that consuming high amounts of apple cider vinegar could result with reduced potassium levels and decreased bone density.
The vinegar can interact with diuretics, laxatives and medicines for diabetes and heart diseases, which means that you should consult with your doctor if you intend to use it every day.
– See more at: http://www.healthyfoodteam.com/what-happens-when-you-drink-apple-cider-vinegar-and-honey-on-an-empty-stomach-in-the-morning/#sthash.BjdEio3D.dpuf