Deep-pan pizza
Nutritional Information (amount per serving)
Serves 10-12 Approx time: 75 Difficulty: not too tricky
IngredientsFor The Dough:For The Tomato Sauce:For The Toppings: |
MethodUntil recently, I’d always seen this type of pizza as a slightly greedy way of bulking out crusts and toppings. I hadn’t realized Italian immigrants had cleverly adapted their old-world recipes to suit new-world coalfired ovens. Making pizzas in tins to protect the base from the soot of the oven makes perfect sense to me now, and I can honestly say that when it’s cooked and seasoned with proper love and care, I’m more than happy with this representative of the pizza family. To make your dough, pour your lukewarm water into a large bowl and use a fork to stir in the yeast, sugar and salt. Add your flour, bit by bit, until it comes together. You want smooth springy dough, so keep adding a bit more flour if necessary. Dust a clean surface with flour, then knead the dough with your hands. When you’re happy with the consistency, pop it into a flour-dusted bowl, cover with a damp cloth and leave in a warm room until the dough has almost doubled in size. Meanwhile, put a lug of olive oil into a large pan on a medium heat. Add your sliced onions and thyme leaves and cook for 15 minutes, or until softened and golden. Take the pan off the heat and put aside. Put all the tomato sauce ingredients into a food processor or liquidizer with a good pinch of salt and pepper and blitz to a purée. Have a taste and season carefully, adding a bit more salt and pepper if it needs it. Slit the sausages open and squeeze the meat into a bowl. Bash up the dried chilli and fennel seeds in a pestle and mortar, add these to the meat with the dried oregano and mix well with a fork. Preheat your oven to 200ºC/400ºF/gas 6. Divide the dough in half and oil 2 trays (about 25 x 35cm) with olive oil. Use a rolling pin or clean hands to flatten and stretch the dough out. Roll or push the dough around each tray and really push it into the corners so you get a chubby crust and a base about 1cm thick. Divide your blitzed tomato sauce between the pizzas and spread around. Scatter over the caramelized onions and dot small pinches of the sausage mixture around the top of each pizza. Tear up the mozzarella and dot the pieces over the sausage, then sprinkle over the fresh basil leaves, sliced fresh chilli, a good pinch of salt and pepper and the grated Parmesan. Finally let your slices of pancetta sort of fall on to the pizzas so they curl and crisp up as they cook. Place in the bottom of the oven for about 20 minutes so the base gets nice and crispy while the top is cooking. Once your pizzas are beautifully cooked, serve right away with a fresh green lemony salad. Deep-pan pizza Sestavine (količina na obrok) Služi 10-12 pribl čas: 75 Zahtevnost: ni preveč zapleteno metoda Do pred kratkim, sem vedno videl to vrsto pice kot rahlo požrešen način za povečanje prostornine iz skorje in prelive. Nisem se zavedala, italijanski priseljenci so spretno prilagoditi svoje staro svetovno recepte, da bo ustrezala novo svetovno coalfired peči. Izdelavo pice v pločevinkah zaščititi bazo pred saje pečice popolnoma smiselno, da mi je zdaj, in lahko rečem, da je, ko je to kuhano in začinjeno s pravilno ljubeznijo in nego, da sem več kot zadovoljen s tem predstavnik pice družina. Da bo vaše testo, vlijemo vaš mlačno vodo stresemo v veliko skledo in uporabite vilico, da se meša v kvasa, sladkorja in soli. Dodajte svoj moko, malo po malo, dokler ne gre skupaj. Želite gladko prožno testo, tako da dodate malo več moke, če je to potrebno. Prah čisto površino z moko, nato zgnetemo testo z rokami. Ko ste zadovoljni z doslednost, je pop v-moke posipana skledo, pokrijemo z vlažno krpo in pustite na toplem prostoru, dokler se testo v velikosti skoraj podvojilo. Medtem, dal nastavek za oljčno olje v veliki ponvi na srednje močnem ognju. Dodajte narezano čebulo in timijan liste in kuhamo 15 minut ali dokler ne zmehča in zlato. Vzemite ponev off toplote in dal na stran. Daj vse paradižnikova omaka Sestavine v multipraktiku ali liquidizer z dobrim ščepcem soli in popra ter blitz v kašo. Imajo okus in sezono skrbno in dodal malo več sol in poper, če je to potrebno. Prerezal klobase odprt in stisnite mesa v skledo. Bash up posušeno čili in janeževih semen v terilnici, dodajte jih k mesu z posušene origano in dobro premešamo z vilico. Segreti vašo pečico na 200ºC / 400ºF / plinski 6. Razdelite testo na pol in olja 2 kadi (približno 25 x 35cm) z olivnim oljem. Uporabite valjarja ali čiste roke zravnati in se raztezajo testo ven. Roll ali potisnite testo okrog vsakega pladenj in res ga potisnite v vogalih, tako da boste dobili debel skorjo in osnovo približno 1 cm debele. Razdelite blitzed paradižnikovo omako med pic in širijo naokoli. Raztreseni nad karameliziranim čebulo in dot majhne ščepca mešanice klobase okoli vrhu vsake pice. Raztrgam mozzarello in dot kosov nad klobaso, nato pa posujte s svežimi listi bazilike, narezan svež čilijem, dober ščepec soli in popra in naribanega parmezana. Končno naj svoje rezine panceta vrste padec na pice, tako da zvijejo in svež, ko kuhajo. Mesto na dnu peči za približno 20 minut, da je baza dobi lepo hrustljavo medtem vrh je kuhanje. Ko so pizze lepo kuhana, služiti takoj s svežo zeleno solato Lemony. |