Iz treh sestavin naredimo masko za lase – prevedel je google

Cimet ni samo to, da je aromatičen in zdrav je tudi shranite alternativa za vse komercialne kemikalij za beljenje las. Ne samo, da vam bo pomagal, da vaši lasje lažji, vendar pa bo to žareče, mehkejši in svilnata in v istem času bo vonj super.

Ko govorimo o cimeta las masko, kar morate vedeti, da če vam je všeč, da se doseže barvo las vam je všeč, kot bi smeli krepiti lasne mešičke in pospešiti njihovo rast. To se dogaja zahvaljujoč dejstvu, da je cimet bogata z vitamini in antioksidanti. Najboljši učinek se lahko opravi v tistih, ki imajo rjave lase in le z enim zdravljenjem bo njihov dnevni lažji za 2 do 3 odtenkih.
Brunettes bi morala biti bolj potrpežljivi in ​​ponovite postopek večkrat in imeti v mislih, da hvala za strukturo in barvo las si ne more dobiti nobenih rezultatov. Vendar ne boste izgubili, če boste poskušali.

Potrebne sestavine:
3 žlice medu
3 žlice cimeta
5-6 žlici lasje balzam
Postopek priprave:
Znesek te zmesi je treba uporabiti na dolge lase za eno pranje. Če imate sušilnik za ukrepanje na ramenih kot razdeliti zmes.

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Cinnamon not only that is aromatic and healthy it is also save alternative for all of the commercial chemicals for hair bleaching. Not only that it will help you make your hair lighter but it will make it glowing, softer and silky and in the same time it will smell great.


When we are talking about cinnamon hair mask you need to know that if you like to reach the hair color you like than you should strengthen hair follicles and to speed up their grow. This is happening thanks to the fact that cinnamon is rich with vitamins and antioxidants. The best effect may be done in those that have brown hair and only with one treatment their hair will be lighter for 2 to 3 shades.

Brunettes should be more patient and to repeat the procedure several times and to have in mind that thanks to the structure and the hair color you can’t get any results. But you won’t lose if you try.
Needed ingredients:

3 tbsp honey
3 tbsp cinnamon
5-6 tbsp hair balsam

Process of preparation:

The amount of this mixture should be used on a long hair for one washing. If you have hair up to your shoulders than divide the mixture.

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