Dali so mu 18 mesecev življenja, a se je popolnoma pozdravil s tem receptom

David Hibit premagal raka tankega črevesa in ocenjujejo zdravnik, je imel samo 18 mesecev živeti.
Premagal je raka so mu 18 mesecev življenja, in je bilo popolnoma Cured s tem receptu!
Vendar, on je sedaj veselimo srečno življenje z ženo, kot tudi dejstvo, da je popolnoma ozdravljenih od raka.
Ta 33-year-old iz Staffordshire trdi, da je bilo popolnoma cured, ki jih je čudežno Konopljino olje, ki stane približno 50 funtov na gram na lokalni trgovci.
-Mojih prijateljev mi je povedal o konoplje olje in sprva sem zavrnil, da ga preizkusite. Nikoli nisem marala droge. Vendar pa sem se počutil, kot kemoterapijo me je ubijal in nimam nič za izgubiti. Ne želim obravnavati dejstvo, da sem bil tekoč umreti-je dejal David.
Po napornem kemoterapijo in radioterapijo, kirurgija, tankega črevesa sledi v marca 2013 in vse je bilo neuspešno. Edina stvar, ki je pomagal pa konoplje.
David, ko je odkril, da je ozdravljen raka, poročen Heather (26), dekle, s katero je bil v razmerju za šest let.
Britanski inštitut za preprečevanje raka, je dejal, da je bil seznanjen, da bolniki uživajo konopljo kot zdravilo, vendar še vedno ni težko dokazov njegove učinkovitosti in varnosti.
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Gave Him 18 Months Of Life, And He Was Completely Cured With This Recipe
David Hibit beat cancer of the small intestine and, as assessed by a doctor, he had only 18 months to live.

He Beat Cancer They Gave Him 18 Months Of Life, And He Was Completely Cured With This Recipe!

However, he is now looking forward to a happy life with his new wife, as well as the fact that he is totally cured from cancer.

This 33-year-old from Staffordshire claims that he was completely cured by the miraculously cannabis oil, which costs about 50 pounds per gram at local dealers.

– My friends told me about cannabis oil and at first I refused to try it. I never liked drugs. However, I felt like the chemotherapy was killing me and that I have nothing to lose. I did not want to deal with the fact that I was going to die – said David.After exhausting chemotherapy and radiotherapy, a surgery of the small intestine followed in March 2013 and everything was unsuccessful. However, the only thing that helped was cannabis.


David, when he discovered that he cured the cancer, he married Heather (26), a girl with whom he was in a relationship for six years.

British Institute for Cancer Prevention, said that he was aware that patients use cannabis as a medicine, but still there is no hard evidence of its efficacy and safety.

– See more at: http://www.healthyfoodteam.com/he-beat-cancer-they-gave-him-18-months-of-life-and-he-was-completely-cured-with-this-recipe/#sthash.15q00tNU.dpuf

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