Osebnost meseca septembra 2014 – Uroš Srna – v internem časopisu ZALOŽBE MLADINSKA KNJIGA
Od nekoga, ki se spozna na spletne strani sem bila opozorjena, da vsak prispevek, ki je na mismozastvar.com in nima navedenega avtorja, lahko ti uporabijo za morebitno tožbo proti meni. Sama pri tem početju, ki mu pravim hobi spoznavam, da tisti, ki nočejo deliti avtorskih del s pomočjo copy-paste sami poskrbijo, da se tega ne da početi. Če sem kaj prepovedanega prenesla na mismozastvar.com, je bilo zato, ker mi je bil prispevek všeč in se je to dalo narediti. Se pa oproščam avtorjem za morebitno kratenje avtorskih pravic.
Pa lepo pozdravljeni,
Sonja Srna, mismozastvar.com
To so posnetki katerih naši mediji NE KAŽEJO.
Ljudje, hočete resnico in resnične novice?
Poglejte si spodnje povezave… to so posnetki katerih naši mediji NE KAŽEJO. Ker prirejajo zgodbe, lažejo!
V Berlinu policistka ustrelila islamista
Azilanti s solzivcem in mačeto nad prodajalko v Nemčiji, policija streljala.
Nemški komisar za begunce odstopil
Musliman se spravlja na prodajalca v kiosku – Avstrija:
Reče “Go to hell” in se smeji zraven
Migrantje nočejo zaprositi za azil na Danskem zato, ker ne dobijo dovolj socialne podpore.
Protesti Turkov v Frankfurtu
Aretirali terorista v begunskem centru v Nemčiji
Na Norveškem našli terorista med begunci
Na Poljskem protimigrantski shod
Na Češkem protimigrantski shod
Protestni shod proti migrantom na Slovaškem
V Srbiji migranti poskusili vstopiti v kasarno
Afriški migrant posilil 7-letnico
Še en otrok pokaže kaj bodo počeli v Evropi
Nad nemško avtocesto napis: “Vaši otroci bodo molili Alahu, ali pa bodo umrli”
Seznam vseh islamskih napadov in pobojev v določenih obdobjih (seznam je na spodnji polovici strani)
V Nemčiji so začeli rekrutirati begunce
Blog na katerem so navodila kako vzpostaviti šeriat v Sloveniji
Madžari nosijo hrano in pijačo imigrantom, oni jo zavračajo in mečejo na želežniške tire
Oče utopljenega dečka je tihotapec ljudi
V Franciji prostovoljci kuhajo in razdeljujejo hrano, muslimani jo zavračajo in mečejo na tla, afričani jih oropajo (hrano preprodajajo naprej)
Protesti muslimanov v VB:
Nasilje nad nemuslimani v VB:
Na Danskem muslimanski priseljenci hočejo Islamsko državo in protestirajo.
Begunec pokaže kamermanu, da bo ostal brez glave
Takole je bilo na Grških otokih…v naših medijih tega nisem nikjer zasledil
V Nemčiji ravnatelj prepove nošenje minikril zaradi muslimanov
Islamska država zagrozi Balkanu, da bo prva tarča
Učenje otrok kako se uporablja orožje proti nevernikom
Muslimani lahko pretepajo žene
in otroke
Italija, dva imigranta sta napadla, oropala in ubila italijanska upokojenca.
Italija, trije imigranti so pretepli in skupinsko posilili vodjo centra za azilante
Zavračanje paketov Rdečega križa samo zato, ker je na njem narisan križ in ni od Rdečega polmeseca
Tako smetišče puščajo za sabo imigranti, seveda o lakoti in žeji ne duha ne sluha saj za sabo puščajo polne plastenke vode in neporabljene hrane (na posnetku od 3:30 naprej)
Na Madžarskem imigranti vpijejo “Allah akhbar – Alah je veliki”
Kaj imajo Madžari v državi, ker so spustili migrante v državo:
ISIS uči že otroke kako se zakolje plišastega medvedka
When we arrived here, we realized that it is far from civilization, shops, hospitals and schools. We need somewhere to study and have a good life. We came to Sweden because it would be “Freedom Land”. We believe they have lied to us, says Mohammad.
Muslim Immigrants Draining European Social Benefits
Kot kaže bi elite rade spravile Eu na raven Somalije, ko bomo vsi delali za rest riža na dan.
Jelica GlavordoSamoniklo jestivo bilje
Tušt je prava riznica omega-3 masnih kiselina toliko bitnih za naše zdravlje.
Postoji velika vjerojatnost da ova biljka upravo sada raste u vašem dvorištu, jer prema statistici, on je najprošireniji “korov” na svijetu.
Tušt je minijaturna biljka, sa sočnim mesnatim listovima i crvenkastim stabljikama.
Raste kao samonikla biljka u dvorištima, uz rijeke, potoke, kanale i rubove šume. Otporan je na visoke i niske temperature i sušu, uspijeva na lošem zemljištu.
Druga imena za tušt su tušanj, tušac, tušnjak i portulak.
Tuštje odličan izvor antioksidanata, vitamina C, A, B i E te omega-3 masnih kiselina.
Osim obilja omega-3 masnih kiselina, tušt sadrži:
-šest puta više vitamina E od špinata
-sedam puta više beta-karotena nego mrkva
-25 mg vitamina C po šalici (20% preporučenog dnevnog unosa)
-magnezij, kalcij, željezo, vitamin B2, kalij, fosfor i mangan
Tušt je vrlo koristan ukoliko imate mokraćne ili probavne probleme. Ima antigljivično i antimikrobno djelovanje.
Koristan je i kod kožnih bolesti – pozitivno djeluje na akne, psorijazu i opekline.
Njegovo mlado lišće i stabljike idealni su u salatama i sendvičima. Tušt je bogat pektinom, pa se može koristiti za zgušnjavanje juha i variva.
Salata od tušta
Naberite dosta mladih izdanaka tušta.
Operite tušt u cjedilu, kratko prokuhajte u slanoj vodi i izvadite ga u zdjelu.
Dodajte nasjeckani češnjak i polijte maslinovim uljem i kvasinom, posolite i popaprite.
Dobro promiješajte i jedite ga kao salatu ili prilog.
Od nekoga, ki se spozna na spletne strani sem bila opozorjena, da vsak prispevek, ki je na mismozastvar.com in nima navedenega avtorja, lahko ti uporabijo za morebitno tožbo proti meni. Sama pri tem početju, ki mu pravim hobi spoznavam, da tisti, ki nočejo deliti avtorskih del s pomočjo copy-paste sami poskrbijo, da se tega ne da početi. Če sem kaj prepovedanega prenesla na mismozastvar.com, je bilo zato, ker mi je bil prispevek všeč in se je to dalo narediti. Se pa oproščam avtorjem za morebitno kratenje avtorskih pravic.
Pa lepo pozdravljeni,
Sonja Srna, mismozastvar.com
Plus Instructions on How to Consume It Without Gagging!
We love great multi-taskers! Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) is no exception. This great tonic has been used since biblical times to help with a number of different ailments including common colds and infections, kidney stones, high blood pressure, allergies, arthritis and more!
Japanese Samurai, Roman soldiers and military groups throughout history have used apple cider vinegar as an antiseptic, antibacterial and as an energizer. In 400 B.C., Hippocrates, the Father of Medicine, used it for its amazing natural cleansing, healing and energizing qualities.
When buying ACV, be sure it includes the “mother,” which will be listed on the label. The “mother” occurs naturally as connected strand-like chains of protein enzyme molecules and is highly regarded throughout history.
ACV packs a powerful punch in the realm of gut health too! Check out this video to learn more about the importance of gut health and how YOU can keep yours in tip top shape (which also improves your immunity!).
Despite vinegar being acidic by nature, it actually helps to balance your pH levels, which helps support a healthy body, decreasing chronic inflammation and warding off illness.
Check out this article to see what science has found out about apple cider vinegar!
Here is just a small portion of what apple cider vinegar can do for you and your family.
Mix equal parts water/vinegar in a spray bottle and spray on hair after shampoo, let sit for 15 minutes, then rinse. Repeat for a few days until dandruff problem disappears. Repeat once every week or so for maintenance.
Combine 1 tsp ACV, 1 tsp cayenne pepper and 3 tsp raw honey in a glass of warm water. ACV and honey have antibacterial properties to help speed up recovery and the capsaicin in hot peppers will help soothe pain.
Pour ACV over baby wipes, store in a plastic bag and refrigerate overnight and use as needed. Also works as an underarm deodorizer.
Dilute a tablespoon of ACV into warm tea and drink before a meal. Vinegar stimulates digestive juices (HCl – hydrochloric acid) that help your body breakdown food.
Dilute a tablespoon or so in some water or tea anytime you feel heartburn symptoms coming on. If it is too nasty for you to swallow, add a little raw hone
Soak a washcloth in ACV and apply to your face to lessen oil. This will also help with scarring from acne.
Add a cup or two of ACV to a bath and soak for ten minutes. This helps the skin feel soothed and cool, as well as restores the skin’s pH.
Apply directly to teeth and then rinse with water. Don’t do often as it may break down tooth enamel. For a more gentle approach, dilute with water and use as a mouth rinse.
Mix 1 part water, 1 part ACV and 2-3 drops of your favorite essential oil together in a spray bottle. ACV is double fermented and an excellent detoxifier. Making your own cleaner is a fantastic way to get rid of unnecessary chemicals in your home.
ACV breaks down the volatile compounds and kills bacteria that causes unpleasant odors around the house. You can mix 1 part water and 1 part ACV in a spray bottle and use in rooms where a bad odor is present.
There are lots of recipes for using ACV as a weed killer. You can use it on its own, mix with dish soap, water, salt and/or lemon juice.
ACV makes an awesome natural flea repellent, that actually works! Simply apply topically to your dogs skin or put in a spray bottle and spray over fur and in the dogs bed.
Soak a cotton ball with some ACV, place over the skin tag, mole or wart and secure with medical tape (duct tape works too!). Leave on overnight and wash area once removed. Repeat nightly until wart problem is gone.
Apply ACV to the burn as soon as possible to help soothe pain and stimulate healing. ACV will also help to disinfect. Note: do not apply to open wounds.
Warm up a cup of ACV and mix in 1 tsp of salt. Apply to bruise as a compress.
Mix 1 tablespoon ACV in a cup of water and gargle for 10 seconds.
Mix ACV 50/50 with water and apply to skin for a soothing aftershave.
ACV can liven up condiments like a rockstar. Try adding a little to sauces, marinades and vinaigrettes. Mix ACV with a little olive oil and fresh herbs for a simple topping for meat or salad. Mix with lemon juice for a great veggie dressing – we use this in our Give Your Body 30 Program.
Might seem a little strange pairing vinegar with fruit juice, but it is actually pretty good! Try mixing a small amount of ACV into grape or a similar type of juice. It is an easy and tasty way to get a daily dose of ACV. Please note: I am referring to fresh pressed juice, not store bought varieties, which are loaded with sugar.
Add a splash of ACV to your soup for a little extra punch.
Add to baked goods to add an extra lift. Don’t worry, a small amount won’t be detected by the kids or the guests.
Apply ACV topically to affected area or soak area in 1 part ACV 5 parts water for 30 minutes a day if possible.
Mix a tablespoon with water and gulp it down for pain relief or rub it directly over sore muscles.
If you’ve become the unfortunate enemy of a jellyfish or even poison ivy, some ACV should do the trick to get rid of the itchiness. Simply apply directly to skin and let it work its magic.
Regularly taking ACV may help keep blood sugar levels balanced.
Check out what Dr. Mercola has to say about apple cider vinegar.
A stuffy nose that won’t clear is the worst. Try sipping a cup of water mixed with ACV – it will act as an antibacterial in your throat and may help decrease and break-up the mucus.
Take daily for detox benefits and to help build immunity. ½ tablespoon mixed in some tea or lemon water every morning should do the trick.
Check out this article for a Fire Cider Recipe to boost immunity and to help prevent colds and the flu.
Add a little to a fresh morning juice or smoothie (just a little, it packs a strong taste!).
Mix 1 tsp ACV in a little water and apply to face with a cotton ball. Yes, the smell is strong but it dissipates quickly and will improve your skin. Repeat daily for best results.
ACV has antibiotic properties and pectin, which are soothing the stomach. For a stomach soothing cocktail combine: 2 tsp ACV, 1 tbsp fresh ginger water, 1 tbsp fresh lemon juice, 8 ounces sparkling water and raw honey to taste. Take a swig in a glass of water when you start feeling unsettled or bloated.
Most animals hate the smell of vinegar and will avoid chewing on cords, couches, etc. if you dab some ACV on them once a week. If your dog pees in the house, clean it up with ACV cleaner and they’ll never pee there again.
Add 1 cup ACV to your bath along with ⅓-1 cup of Epsom salts and 5-10 drops essential oils. Adding sea salt, ginger and baking soda are also great options for further detoxification and relaxation.
Use some ACV to wash your fruits and veggies before you eat them. This is important to remove any pesticides or chemicals that may have been sprayed on them before they were harvested.
When you’ve accidentally added one too many shakes of cayenne powder to your dinner, add 1 tsp ACV at a time until the taste returns to where you want it!
Put some ACV and a drop of dish soap in a bowl and set on the counter to attract and kill fruits flies.
Add ½ cup to washing machine to get urine smell out of clothing.
Take a tablespoon ACV in a cup of water after a workout to battle post-workout exhaustion. Lactic acid builds up in the body after a workout and causes fatigue. The amino acids in ACV provide a perfect antidote.
Add 1 ½ cups of ACV to a bath and soak for 20 minutes.
1 tablespoon in water and 1 Tbs. local organic raw honey daily to combat allergy season.
Rub directly on area that is cramping for relief.
Mix in a spray bottle with 1 part water to 1 part ACV and spritz on hair when combing.
Mix a few spoonfuls into your bone broth to add a kick and some extra detox power.
The acetic acid in ACV suppresses appetite and reduces water retention. Take ½ tablespoon in some fresh lemon water every morning or before meals for best results.
Rinse your hair in 1 part ACV and 1 part water after shampooing for a great shine.
Rub on your hands and feet after a long day to relieve tired muscles.
Regularly consuming ACV can help your body maintain a healthy pH level. Disease cannot thrive in an alkaline environment!
Take 1-2 tsp in an 8 oz glass of water in the morning, followed by eating raw organic fruit and vegetables and lots of water throughout the day.
ACV is rich in enzymes that help the body combat candida. Take ½ tablespoon twice daily.
Can use in your dishwasher to help remove grease.
Take 2-3 tablespoons, 2-3 times every day.
Na ruskom portalu za alternativnu medicinu pojavio se tekst doktora Borisa N. Holodenkova u kome on tvrdi da je izlečenje moguće, ako svoju bolest zasadite u saksiju za cvećem. Ukoliko želite da isprobate ovu alternativnu metodu, pažljivo pročitajte tekst, a kontraindikacija nema.
Procedura je jednostavna. Kod bolesne osobe treba uzeti manju količinu njegove tečnosti: gnoja, urina, pljuvačke, znoja, sekreta. Pomešati sa zemljom i staviti u običnu (manju) saksiju za cveće.
Zatim u nju treba zasaditi 2-3 semena ili lukovicu biljke, planetarni znak koji se poklapa sa znakom bolesti, i sačekati dok se pojave izdanci visine nekoliko cantimetara. Posle, pažljivo, zajedno sa korenom izvaditi biljku, i spaliti je ako je oboljenje povezano sa lučenjem krvi, gnoja, znoja ili sluzi. U svim ostalim slučajevima, biljka se baca u reku, niz vodu.
Posle toga, bolest prolazi.
Zasaditi biljku treba u vreme kada je Mesec u opadanju. To je period između punog i mladog Meseca. U prirodi i u ljudskom organizmu u ovom periodu, javlja se tendencija ka pročišćavanju. Mesec u opadanju isušuje, izduvava, smanjuje, potencira aktivnost i potrošnju energije. Biljka se ne sadi u subotu, nedelju i rođendan bolesnika. Uništiti biljku takođe treba za vreme kada je Mesec u opadanju.
Biljka se ne sadi u obliku pelcera ili korena (osim rena), jer tako biljka može da ugine, što nije dobro za bolesnika. Samo u obliku semena, ili lukovice. Ako seme ne proklija, nema nikakve opasnosti po bolesnika.
Da bi se izlečili od bolesti uz pomoć biljke uzgojene u saksiji, neophodno je poznavati planete, koje vladaju bolešću, i pronaći odgovarajuću biljku.
Meseca: reumatizam, giht, grčevi, gnojne rane, menstrualni poremećaji, vaške, svrab, lišaj, epilepsija, mesečarenje, depresija, melanholija, pijanstvo.
Marsa: bolesti ušiju, pluća, jetre, prehlade, hemoroidi, išijas, migrena, nezarastajuće rane, unutrašnja krvarenja, žutica, dizenterija, dijareja, prolivi, zatvori, gangrena.
Merkura: bolesti mozga, nesvestica, vrtoglavica, mucanje, nerazumni strahovi, stomatološki čirevi, čirevi na koži, akne, bubuljice, fistule.
Jupitera: kardiovaskularne, gastrointestinalne bolesti, bolesti pankreasa, slezine, hipertenzija, angina, očne bolesti, trovanja, muskulatorne bolesti, bolesti lokomotornog sistema.
Venere: polne bolesti, urinarne infekcije, seksualna perverznost.
Saturna: bolesti endokrinog i limfnog sistema, onkološka oboljenje, besplodnost, lupus, psorijaza, multipla skleroza, demencija, prelomi, ekcem, nedijagnostikovane bolesti.
Sunca: opekotine, promrzline, teške infekcije, grip, teška oštećenja srca i očiju, paraliza (kao posledica trauma i moždanog udara), toplotni i hladni neurodermatitisi, neuroza, toplotni udari, loš metabolizam (uključujući gojaznost).
Meseca: anemona, astra, veronika, iris, kamelija, kupus, šargarepa, krastavac, fuksija.
Marsa: artičoka, bosiljak, kopriva, praziluk, rotkvica, rotkva, cvekla, ren, beli luk.
Merkura: anis, valerijana, ladolež, dalija, grašak, detelina, paradajz, cikorija.
Jupitera: suncokret, jasmin, kres-salata, susam, limun, nana, maslačak, božur, ruža, ruzmarin, pšenica.
Venere: begonija, karanfil, geranijum, gladiola, lala, hajdučka trava, pasulj.
Saturna: ruzmarin, krompir, celer, mirođija.
Sunca: vrbena, zumbul, kantarion, neven, suncokret, kukuruz, majčina dušica, žalfija.
Dešava se da se bolest ne može definisati i pripisati jednoj ili drugoj planeti. Na primer, virusni hepatitis sa jedne strane je bolest jetre (Mars), a sa druge infektivna bolest (Sunce). U ovakvim slučajevima, treba koristiti obe biljke, ali saditi ih u različite saksije, ali obavezno u isti dan.
Ove dosadne krvopije često znaju da stvore mnogo problema. Ali, zato, sada postoji jednostavno rešenje.
Sve što vam treba su: flaša, nož, žuti šećer, topla voda, kvasac… I magija počinje!
VIDEO http://web-tribune.com/zanimljivosti/efikasno-i-trajno-evo-kako-da-za-samo-10-minuta-resite-problem-sa-komarcima-na-potpuno-prirodan-nacin-video
Svi znamo da kada je u pitanju uklanjanje kamenca, stomatolog će učiniti savršen posao
Međutim, verovali ili ne postoje mnogi prirodni recepti preko kojih možete da se otarasite kamenca i kod kuće.
Potrebni sastojci:
30 grama orahove ljuske
Način pripreme:
Stavite ljuske oraha u činiju, dodajte vodu i kuvajte smesu 15 minuta. Umočite četkicu za zube u dobijenu smesu i operite zube za 5 minuta. Ponovite ovu proceduru u jutarnjim, popodnevnim i večernjim satima.
2. Recept:
Potrebni sastojci:
4 kašika semena suncokreta
4 kašika lipovog cveta
1 litar vode
Način pripreme:
Stavite sastojke u činiju, nalijte vodom i kuvajte na laganoj vatri pola sata. Perite zube sa nastalom smešom nakon svakog obroka.
Jabukovo sirće se takođe može koristiti za uklanjanje kamenca, ali samo jednom nedeljno. Umočite zube u jabukovo sirće i operite.Temeljno isperite usnu duplju sa vodom da se ne bi ošteti zubna gleđ.