Zdravljenje anksioznosti – v slovenščino prevedel Google, spodaj je angleški original
Vsakdo doživlja anksioznost vsak enkrat v nekaj časa. Nekateri ljudje se mučijo s tesnobo in trpijo vsak dan od simptomov, ki pridejo skupaj z njo.
Anksioznost je velika občutek skrbi, da učinkov na telo, tako psihično in fizično. Simptomi tesnobe vključujejo: Motne misli, razbijanje srca, potne dlani, napetost v mišicah, suha usta, slabost, nespečnost, nezmožnost koncentracije, redno ne želijo, da bi dobili iz postelje, godrnjav negativne misli, da je najhujše se bo zgodilo.
Za mnoge ljudi, lahko ti simptomi lahko izčrpavajoče in težko živeti. Včasih, ko oseba pride do te točke, ki jih poiskati zdravniško pomoč in so vam predpisali farmacevtskih zdravil, ki zavirajo simptome, tako da lahko anksioznost lažje živeti. Vendar pa lahko anksioznost zdravil povzroča grozne stranske učinke, včasih slabše, kot je anksioznost sama. Zdravila postane zasvojenost, medtem povzroča poškodbe vitalnih organov v telesu, kot so jetra in ledvice.
Kaj je anksioznost?
Anksioznost je “boj ali beg” mehanizem v telesu. Naši predniki so uporabljali tesnobo obdržati pri življenju, ko so lov ali so napadli. Adrenalin je bil prečrpa v svojo kri, tako da bi lahko odločitev, da se obrnil in boj ali pobegniti pred nevarnostjo.
Anksioznost je potrebno za nas tudi danes. Deluje kot opozorilni signal. Vendar pa je danes, morda ne bomo mogli boriti ali bežati od naših stresorjev ali bojazni kot naši predniki. Če smo se skrbi plačilni račun ali izgubi službo, lahko čutimo tesnobo, vendar to ni dobra ideja, da boj vaš šef ali pobegnil iz zakona. Ko so simptomi tesnobe neznosna, lahko to povzroči veliko materialne škode na vašem telesu in lahko celo povzroči bolezen. Namesto da bi farmacevtske pristop k zdravljenju tesnobe, obstajajo naravni načini, ki pomagajo ublažiti simptome anksioznosti.
Naravnih načinov, da se ukvarjajo z anksioznost
1. Zdrava prehrana
Obstaja veliko raziskav, ki kažejo, anksioznost lahko izvirajo v črevesju. To je razlog, zakaj, ko ljudje doživljajo anksioznost, prav tako imajo ponavadi težave z gibanjem črevesja. Sprememba prehrane lahko pomaga oseba doživlja strah, da premagajo simptome. Zmanjšajte kofein, sladkorjev in mleka in jesti več sadja, veggies, zrnje, semena in oreški.
Mirno sunset
2. Dodatki
GABA: GABA je aminokislina odlikuje po pomirjujoč učinek na naše centralnega živčnega sistema. To je nevrotransmiter, ki pomaga pri živčnih impulzov komunicirati. Če vaše telo nima dovolj GABA, lahko doživite anksioznost. Mnogi z nizkimi ravnmi GABA odločite za samozdravljenja s snovmi, kot so alkohol. Lahko poskusite 500-1000 mg GABA dopolni dan in vključuje živila v vaši prehrani, da poveča svojo proizvodnjo, kot so zeleni čaj, citrusi, banane, oreščki in zelenice.
Omega 3s: Omega-3 maščobnih kislin lahko zmanjša simptome povzroča anksioznost, pomoč telo obdržati celične receptorje v optimalnem stanju. Po Vsakdanje zdravje:
“Ugotovili Japonski raziskovalci ugotovili, da prehrana z veliko rib ščiti ljudi iz depresije in samomorov, medtem ko na Finskem ekipa raziskovalcev anketiranih 1.767 prebivalcev, in ugotovila, da je uživanje rib več kot dvakrat tedensko zaščitni učinek proti samomorov in depresije.”
Magnezij Magnezij naravno pomirja živčni sistem. To je mogoče najti v kokosova voda, morskih alg, bučna semena, indijski oreščki, mandlji, čokolada in še več.
5HTP: 5HTP se priporoča za tesnobo z depresijo. To je aminokislina, ki je bistvena za proizvodnjo serotonina, ki pomaga dvigniti razpoloženje.
3. Sprostitev terapije
Sprostitvene terapije, kot so joga, meditacija, ozemljitev in dihalnih tehnik, masaže, akupunkture in namakanje v kopeli vse naravno povzdignil razpoloženje in pomaga sproščati hormone, zaradi katerih se počutite dobro.
Mlada ženska meditira na prostem
4. Gibanje in vaje
Get your bitja srca in vam bo pomagal razpošlje blokirane energije, ki povzroča strah, ko sprošča tiste hormone dobrega počutja. Premakniti telesa 30 minut na dan in boste opazili, koliko bolje se počutite. (Več o tem tukaj.)
5. Zelišča
Zemlja ima vsa zdravila, ki se moramo zdraviti, in naslednja zelišča vam lahko pomaga ukrotiti svojo anksioznost.
Kamilica ima sproščujoče in pomirjevalne učinke, ki pomagajo pri spanju.
Kava kava pomaga zmanjševati anksioznost z aktiviranjem GABA receptorje v možganih.
Valerian koren se uporablja za nespečnost ob dodatek ali pitje čaja, eno uro pred spanjem.
Pasijonka je bila uporabljena kot sredstvo za anksioznost in nespečnost.
6. Aromaterapija
Eterična olja se lahko doda kadi, masažnih olj ali infusers. Najboljši eterična olja za tesnobo so sivka, ylang-ylanga, geranije, vrtnice, bergamotke in jasmina.
Člen Viri:
Prejšnji članki Earthie Mama:
Imunski Podpora Tonic – Delicious Natural Recipe
Naravni antibiotik mazilo Recept!
Make Your Own Bug-Away Spray (Easy Recipe)
Najmočnejši Antibiotiki narave (Recipe Vključeno!)
10 Zdravstvene koristi kumar
Dirt NI Dirty – Kako Igranje v Dirt prejemkih imunskega sistema
Kako narediti Kombucha
Praktični nasveti za vzhajanje Earth-Conscious otroke
Naravna nega telesa … v vaši kuhinji
Domače Ginger Ale Recipe
O avtorju:
Alexandra Du ToitAlex je True Earthie Mama, pomagati drugim, tune v njihovi najbolj naravni obliki, obenem pa prinaša harmonijo in ravnotežje na vseh področjih svojega življenja, da uspevajo. Alex je dobro znan blog na zdravje, wellness, zavestno starševstvo, zeleno življenje in sestopu mreže za samozaposlene trajnosti: earthiemama.com. Ona ima tudi magisterij iz psihologije in je registrirana joga inštruktor, naravovarstvenik, zavestno mati, zelena dnevna strokovnjak in Birthing strokovnjak. Ona prodaja tudi vse naravne izdelke in svoje ebooks skozi njeno spletno stran.
Prosimo, da preverite svojo spletno stran na EarthieMama.com ali najti Earthie Mama na Facebooku na Facebook.com/TrueEarthMama.
* Prosimo, upoštevajte: Ta članek je samo za informativne namene. Njen namen ni zagotoviti zdravniško pomoč, diagnoze ali zdravljenja.
*****************original v angleščini******************************************
Treating Anxiety Naturally
1 Comment
Treating Anxiety Naturally
16th June 2015
By Alex ‘Earthie Mama’ Du Toit
Guest Writer for Wake Up World
Everyone experiences anxiety every once in a while. Some people are plagued with anxiety and suffer daily from the symptoms that come along with it.
Anxiety is an overwhelming feeling of worry that effects the body both mentally and physically. Symptoms of anxiety include: cloudy thoughts, heart palpitations, sweaty palms, muscle tension, dry mouth, nausea, insomnia, an inability to concentrate, regularly not wanting to get out of bed, nagging negative thoughts that the worst is going to happen.
For many people, these symptoms can be debilitating and hard to live with. Sometimes, when a person gets to this point, they seek medical attention and are prescribed pharmaceutical drugs that block the symptoms so the anxiety can be easier to live with. However, the anxiety medication may cause awful side effects sometimes worse than the anxiety itself. Medications become addictive while causing damage to the vital organs in your body like the liver and kidneys.
What is anxiety?
Anxiety is the “fight or flight” mechanism in your body. Our ancestors used the anxiety to keep them alive when they were hunting or being attacked. Adrenaline was pumped into their bloodstream, so they could make the decision to turn around and fight or flee from danger.
Anxiety is necessary for us today as well. It acts as a warning signal. However today, we may not be able to fight or run away from our stressors or anxieties like our ancestors did. If we are worrying about paying a bill or losing a job, we might feel anxiety, but it is not a good idea to fight your boss or run away from the bill. When the symptoms of anxiety are unbearable, it can cause a lot of physical damage on your body and can even result in illness. Rather than taking the pharmaceutical approach to treating anxiety, there are natural ways to help relieve the symptoms of anxiety.
Natural ways to deal with anxiety
1. Healthy Diet
There is a lot of research that shows anxiety can originate in the gut. That is why, when people experience anxiety, they also typically have issues with bowel movements. A change in diet can help a person experiencing anxiety to overcome the symptoms. Reduce caffeine, sugars and dairy and eat more fruits, veggies, grains, seeds and nuts.
Peaceful sunset
2. Supplements
GABA: GABA is an amino acid known for its calming effect on our central nervous systems. It is a neurotransmitter that helps nerve impulses communicate. If your body does not have enough GABA, you can experience anxiety. Many with low levels of GABA choose to self-medicate with substances such as alcohol. You may try 500-1000 mg of GABA supplement a day and include foods in your diet that increase its production, like green tea, citrus fruits, bananas, nuts and greens.
Omega 3s: Omega-3 fatty acids can reduce the symptoms caused from anxiety, aiding the body keep cellular receptors in optimal condition. According to Everyday Health:
“Japanese researchers found that a diet high in fish protects people from depression and suicide, while in Finland a team of researchers surveyed 1,767 residents and concluded that eating fish more than twice a week has a protective effect against suicide and depression.”
Magnesium: Magnesium naturally calms the nervous system. It can be found in coconut water, seaweed, pumpkin seeds, cashews, almonds, chocolate and more.
5HTP: 5HTP is recommended for anxiety with depression. It is an amino acid that is essential for the production of serotonin, which helps to elevate mood.
3. Relaxation therapies
Relaxation therapies such as yoga, meditation, grounding and breathing techniques, massage, acupuncture and soaking in bath all naturally elevate mood and help release the hormones that make you feel good.
Young woman meditating outdoors
4. Movement and Exercise
Get your heart pumping and it will help circulate the blocked energy that is causing anxiety while releasing those feel-good hormones. Move the body 30 minutes a day and you will notice how much better you feel. (Learn more here.)
5. Herbs
The Earth holds all the medicines that we need to heal ourselves, and the following herbs can help you tame your anxiety.
Chamomile has relaxing and sedative effects that help with sleep.
Kava Kava helps to reduce anxiety by activating GABA receptors in the brain.
Valerian root is used for insomnia by taking a supplement or drinking the tea an hour before bed.
Passionflower has been used as a remedy for anxiety and insomnia.
6. Aromatherapy
Essential oils can be added to baths, massage oils or infusers. The best essential oils for anxiety are lavender, ylang-ylang, geranium, rose, bergamot and jasmine.
Article Sources:
Previous articles by Earthie Mama:
Immune Support Tonic – Delicious Natural Recipe
Natural Antibiotic Ointment Recipe!
Make Your Own Bug-Away Spray (Easy Recipe)
Nature’s Most Powerful Antibiotics (Recipe Included!)
10 Health Benefits of Cucumbers
Dirt is NOT Dirty – How Playing in the Dirt Benefits the Immune System
How to Make Kombucha
Practical Tips for Raising Earth-Conscious Children
Natural Body Care… In Your Kitchen
Homemade Ginger Ale Recipe
About the author:
Alexandra Du ToitAlex is a True Earthie Mama, helping others tune into their most natural state while bringing harmony and balance into all areas of their lives in order to thrive. Alex has a well known blog on health, wellness, conscious parenting, green living and getting off the grid to self sustainability: earthiemama.com. She also has an MA in Psychology, and is a registered Yoga Instructor, environmentalist, conscious mother, green living expert and birthing expert. She also sells all natural products and her ebooks through her website.
Please check out her website at EarthieMama.com or find Earthie Mama on Facebook at Facebook.com/TrueEarthMama.
*Please note: This article is for information purposes only. It is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.