Če zmešate te 3 sestavine se vam ni treba bati raka ali drugih tumorjev! – prevedel google
Če uporabljate te tri sestavine vsak dan, skoraj zagotovo ni nobene možnosti, da bi dobili vse vrste tumorja.
Recept je naslednji:
Zmešajte 1/4 žličke kurkuma s pol čajne žličke olivnega olja. Pri tem dodamo ščepec višjo svežega črnega popra. Zmešamo teh treh sestavin v skodelico.
Lahko porabijo to mešanico kot dodatek v različnih jedi, juhe in solate. Samo poskrbite, da je, če jih uporabljate v kuhanih jedi, ki te sestavine ne kuhamo preveč najbolje, da jih dodate do samega konca. Če jih boste pili kot recept navedeno zgoraj, zmešamo z malo vode.
Ampak kaj točno preprečuje raka in raka širjenje?
Vse znanje je v kurkuma. Kurkuma je začimba v obliki rumenega prahu, ki je ena izmed komponent curry.
Njeni protivnetna sposobnosti so neverjetno močna.
Ni druge naravna sestavina v svetu, ki je bolj učinkovita pri zmanjševanju vnetja v telesu.
Nedavne študije so pokazale, da kurkuma preprečuje številne vrste raka, kot kolorektalnega raka, raka prostate, raka možganov.
Kurkuma ima samo eno napako, ki je, da je kurkuma težko, da se razgradijo v prebavnem traktu. Zato je idealna kombinacija za zdravljenje in preprečevanje raka kurkuma z poper in ingver.
Pepper, po raziskavah povečuje učinkovitost kurkuma za do 200 odstotkov. Da bi se uspešno prepreči raka in uniči rakave celice, je treba to mešanico lahko uporablja vsak dan ob številnih priložnostih.
Uporabite ga tako pogosto, kot je nima stranskih učinkov.
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Home » Healthy Food » Mix These 3 Ingredients And Never Fear Cancer Or Any Tumors!
Mix These 3 Ingredients And Never Fear Cancer Or Any Tumors!
Admin April 4, 2015 Mix These 3 Ingredients And Never Fear Cancer Or Any Tumors!2015-04-04T01:54:03+00:00 Healthy Food 8 Comments
If you use these three ingredients every day, almost certainly there is no possibility of getting any kind of tumor.
The recipe is as follows:
Mix 1/4 teaspoon of turmeric with half a teaspoon of olive oil. In doing so, add a pinch of higher fresh black pepper. Mix these three ingredients in a cup.
You can consume this mixture as an addition in a variety of dishes, soups and salads. Just make sure that if you use them in cooked dishes, that these ingredients do not cook too much, it is best to add them to the very end. If you drink them as the recipe states above, mix with a little water.
mix these 3 ingredients
But what exactly prevents cancer and cancer spread?
All knowledge lies in turmeric. Turmeric is a spice in the form of a yellow powder, which is one of the components of curry.
Its anti-inflammatory abilities are incredibly powerful.
There is no other natural ingredient in the world that is more effective in reducing inflammation in the body.
Recent studies have revealed that turmeric prevents many types of cancer, such as colorectal cancer, prostate cancer, brain cancer.
Turmeric has only one flaw, which is that turmeric is difficult to degrade in the digestive tract. Therefore, the ideal combination for the treatment and prevention of cancer is turmeric with pepper and ginger.
Pepper, according to research increases the efficiency of turmeric for up to 200 percent. In order to successfully prevent cancer and destroy cancer cells, this mixture should be used every day on many occasions.
Use it as often as it has no side effects.
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