ZDRAVILNA MOČ MEDU IN VODE – prevedel google
Med ima veliko različnih koristi (varujejo pred rakom in boleznimi srca, zmanjšuje razjede, ima antibakterijske lastnosti, itd.) Zdaj boste izvedeli o prednostih, ki prihajajo iz pitne medu-voda.
Priprava medene vode
Daj malo vode na ognju, dokler ne postane mlačna in dodamo eno žličko medu v njej. Vedno uporabljajte leseno žličko. Boste dobili tekočino s strukturo skoraj enak krvne plazme. Zahvaljujoč medu boste dobili grozdov spojino ustvarili v vodo in boste imeli močan pijačo z različnimi koristi za zdravje. Kaj je najbolj pomembno je, da se ta kompozit zelo enostavno absorbira v vašem sistemu.
Prinaša prebavo nazaj na normalno in aktivira črevesje. Če ste ob leni črevesje ta pijača je kot nalašč za vas.
To podjetij vaš imunski sistem, odpravlja grudic in obdeluje bronhitis. To bo očistil tudi pljuča od sluzi.
Ta pijača odstranjuje parazite iz vašega prebavnega trakta, onemogoči krvavitev v njej in izvrže toksine iz vašega organizma.
Ko pitno to sestavljeno redno, boste videli, da je vaš pas linija povečala. Vendar nimate potrebe po zaskrbljujoč, saj je to povzročil iz blata, ki so postali mehkejši in nabreknejo, ki je znak, da bodo izhod iz telesa zelo kmalu.
Medu vode normalizira tudi funkcijo debelega črevesa. Prav tako naredi mikro flora mlajši in odstrani vse bakterije v njej. Ta kompozitni je koristno, če imate nenadzorovan in sirot potrebe po uriniranju skozi noč. Medu zbira vodo, ki je omogočil vaše ledvice pravilno delujejo.
Uživanje Honey-voda
Pijte to sestavljeno v zjutraj na tešče in zvečer, ki bodo pomagali ledvice delovati veliko bolje. Popij takoj, vendar ne v eni tot, ker ventil želodca odpre in voda hitro postane v črevesju. Potem bo voda gredo v krvni obtok.
S pomočjo te pijače bo vaš obraz bo precej čistejše preveč. Prav tako naredi vaše ponudbe kože, svileno in sijočo. Vedeti morate, da je draga ena najstarejših kozmetičnih sestavin na svetu.
********************************ORIGINALNI ČLANEK******************************************
Honey has many different benefits (protecting from cancer and heart disease, decreases ulcers, has antibacterial characteristics etc.). Now you will learn about the benefits that are coming from drinking honey-water.
Preparing Honey-Water
Put some water on a heat until it becomes tepid and add one teaspoon of honey in it. Always use wooden teaspoon. You will get a liquid with a structure almost identical with blood plasma. Thanks to the honey you will get a cluster compound created in the water and you will have a powerful drink with various health benefits. What is most important is that this composite is very easily absorbed in your system.
The Healing Powers of Honey-Water
It brings the digestion back to normal and activates the intestines. If you are having lazy intestines this drink is perfect for you.
It firms your immune system, removes clods and treats bronchitis. It will also cleanse your lungs from mucus.
This drink removes the parasites from your digestive tract, disables any bleeding in it and ejects the toxins from your organism.
When drinking this composite regularly you will see that your waist line has increased. But you have no need for worrying, because that is caused from the feces that became softer and swell which is a sign that they will exit from the body very soon.
The honey-water also normalizes the function of the colon. It also makes the micro flora younger and removes any bacteria in it. This composite is helpful if you are having uncontrolled and comfortless urge to urinate through the night. The honey gathers the water which is allowing your kidneys to work properly.Consuming Honey-Water
Drink this composite in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evenings which will assist the kidneys to function much better. Drink it immediately, but not in one tot, because the valve of the stomach opens and the water gets in the intestines quickly. Then the water will go into the bloodstream.
With the help of this drink your face will be much cleaner too. It also makes your skin tender, silky and glowing. You should know that the honey is one of the oldest cosmetic compounds in the world.
– See more at: http://www.healthyfoodteam.com/healing-power-of-honey-and-water-combination/#sthash.GxRZsyK8.dpuf
Priprava medene vode
Daj malo vode na ognju, dokler ne postane mlačna in dodamo eno žličko medu v njej. Vedno uporabljajte leseno žličko. Boste dobili tekočino s strukturo skoraj enak krvne plazme. Zahvaljujoč medu boste dobili grozdov spojino ustvarili v vodo in boste imeli močan pijačo z različnimi koristi za zdravje. Kaj je najbolj pomembno je, da se ta kompozit zelo enostavno absorbira v vašem sistemu.
Prinaša prebavo nazaj na normalno in aktivira črevesje. Če ste ob leni črevesje ta pijača je kot nalašč za vas.
To podjetij vaš imunski sistem, odpravlja grudic in obdeluje bronhitis. To bo očistil tudi pljuča od sluzi.
Ta pijača odstranjuje parazite iz vašega prebavnega trakta, onemogoči krvavitev v njej in izvrže toksine iz vašega organizma.
Ko pitno to sestavljeno redno, boste videli, da je vaš pas linija povečala. Vendar nimate potrebe po zaskrbljujoč, saj je to povzročil iz blata, ki so postali mehkejši in nabreknejo, ki je znak, da bodo izhod iz telesa zelo kmalu.
Medu vode normalizira tudi funkcijo debelega črevesa. Prav tako naredi mikro flora mlajši in odstrani vse bakterije v njej. Ta kompozitni je koristno, če imate nenadzorovan in sirot potrebe po uriniranju skozi noč. Medu zbira vodo, ki je omogočil vaše ledvice pravilno delujejo.
Uživanje Honey-voda
Pijte to sestavljeno v zjutraj na tešče in zvečer, ki bodo pomagali ledvice delovati veliko bolje. Popij takoj, vendar ne v eni tot, ker ventil želodca odpre in voda hitro postane v črevesju. Potem bo voda gredo v krvni obtok.
S pomočjo te pijače bo vaš obraz bo precej čistejše preveč. Prav tako naredi vaše ponudbe kože, svileno in sijočo. Vedeti morate, da je draga ena najstarejših kozmetičnih sestavin na svetu.
********************************ORIGINALNI ČLANEK******************************************
Honey has many different benefits (protecting from cancer and heart disease, decreases ulcers, has antibacterial characteristics etc.). Now you will learn about the benefits that are coming from drinking honey-water.
Preparing Honey-Water
Put some water on a heat until it becomes tepid and add one teaspoon of honey in it. Always use wooden teaspoon. You will get a liquid with a structure almost identical with blood plasma. Thanks to the honey you will get a cluster compound created in the water and you will have a powerful drink with various health benefits. What is most important is that this composite is very easily absorbed in your system.
The Healing Powers of Honey-Water
It brings the digestion back to normal and activates the intestines. If you are having lazy intestines this drink is perfect for you.
It firms your immune system, removes clods and treats bronchitis. It will also cleanse your lungs from mucus.
This drink removes the parasites from your digestive tract, disables any bleeding in it and ejects the toxins from your organism.
When drinking this composite regularly you will see that your waist line has increased. But you have no need for worrying, because that is caused from the feces that became softer and swell which is a sign that they will exit from the body very soon.
The honey-water also normalizes the function of the colon. It also makes the micro flora younger and removes any bacteria in it. This composite is helpful if you are having uncontrolled and comfortless urge to urinate through the night. The honey gathers the water which is allowing your kidneys to work properly.Consuming Honey-Water
Drink this composite in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evenings which will assist the kidneys to function much better. Drink it immediately, but not in one tot, because the valve of the stomach opens and the water gets in the intestines quickly. Then the water will go into the bloodstream.
With the help of this drink your face will be much cleaner too. It also makes your skin tender, silky and glowing. You should know that the honey is one of the oldest cosmetic compounds in the world.
– See more at: http://www.healthyfoodteam.com/healing-power-of-honey-and-water-combination/#sthash.GxRZsyK8.dpuf