How To Eliminate Your Cough In One Day

Onion tea against persistent cough, recipe:How To Eliminate Your Cough In One Day

You will need:

  • 3 liters of water
  • 1 kg onions

First take one kilogram of medium sized onions, remove the mustache, wash it well and then cut them into quarters, put them in a pot with 3 liters of water and boil them. Boil until 1.5 liters of water remains in the pot. Allow it to cool down and then strain it.

Drink 250 ml of the onion tea, with juice of half a lemon and sweetened with a spoonful of honey.

Usually 1 or 2 doses should be enough to stop the coughing.

This beverage is tried many times and it is always effective in the treatment of the most obstinate cough.

With regular consumption of this drink you can stop your cough in 2 or 3 days.

Tea against cough


  • 2 medium sized apples
  • 2 medium sized onions
  • 11 walnuts


Clean the mustache of the onion, wash it well and cut it into four pieces.

Wash the apples thoroughly and cut them in quarters.

Wash and crush the walnuts.

Place the ingredients in a pot with three liters of water and boil them until 1.5 liters of water remains in the pot. Allow it to cool down and then strain it.

Drink 250 ml of the tea several times during the day, sweetened with a spoonful of honey and juice of ½ a lemon.

Only one or two doses should be enough to stop the coughing.

Liquid onion – improves the functioning of the brain and cleans the blood vessels


  • Onion, enough to get 100 grams of juice
  • 100 grams of honey

In a jar strain 100 grams of onion juice and add 100 grams of honey.

Mix them well and consume one tablespoon ½ an hour before every meal 3 times a day.

It improves your memory, and it purifies the blood vessels and the brain.

Besides that, with renewing the brain cells, it helps the brain to function better.


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