MOČAN ANTIBIOTIK IZ SAMO DVEH SESTAVIN – prevod z Googlom je pod angleškim besedilom
This natural antibiotic has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect, kills all bacteria and disease causing agents.
The advantage is that unlike synthetic antibiotics, it causes no adverse effects on intestinal and digestive system, which means it is completely reliable.
Turmeric is the first compound that contains active ingredients with over 150 therapeutic properties, among which are anti-carcinogen, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant.
Using the combination of honey and turmeric, you will improve digestion and increase the number of good bacteria in the intestines.
- 100g homemade honey
- 1 tablespoon turmeric powder
Mix all ingredients together until you get a homogenous mixture and pour it in a glass jar.
How to use this natural antibiotic?
Once you notice symptoms of a cold, consume this medicine as it follows:
1 day – take half a teaspoon every hour.
Day 2 – take half a teaspoon every two hours.
3 day – take half a teaspoon 3 times a day.
It is desirable not to swallow the medicine, but melt it in the mouth.
If you do not like its taste, you can always add warm milk or tea to the mixture.
-najbolj-močan naraven antibiotik-s-samo-2-sestavinami1
Prednost je, da za razliko od sintetičnih antibiotikov, da ne povzroča škodljivih vplivov na črevesno in prebavnega sistema, kar pomeni, da je popolnoma zanesljiv.
Kurkuma je prva spojina, ki vsebuje aktivne sestavine z več kot 150 terapevtske lastnosti, med katerimi so anti-rakotvoren, protivnetno in antioksidant.
S kombinacijo medu in kurkuma, boste izboljšali prebavo in povečati število dobrih bakterij v črevesju.
100g domače medu
1 žlica kurkuma v prahu
Zmešamo vse sestavine skupaj, dokler ne dobite homogeno zmes in jo vlijemo v stekleni kozarec.
Kako uporabljati ta naravni antibiotik?
Ko opazite simptome prehlada, porabijo to zdravilo, kot sledi:
1 dan – traja pol čajne žličke vsako uro.
2. dan – vzemite pol čajne žličke vsaki dve uri.
3. dan – traja pol čajne žličke 3-krat dnevno.
Zaželeno je, da ne pogoltniti zdravilo, vendar stopijo v ustih.
Če vam ni všeč okus, lahko vedno dodamo toplo mleko ali čaj v mešanici.
– Preberite več na:
Kurkuma bolj učinkovita kot Prozac pri zdravljenju depresije – prevod z Googlom je pod originalnim zapisom
It’s common knowledge in the natural health world that pharmaceuticals often (if not always) do more harm than good. It’s also clear that foods, herbs, and other natural sources can offer similar benefits without those nasty side effects. Once again, our beliefs have been affirmed by science: A recent study published in Phytotherapy Research says that not only is turmeric effective at treating depression, it may even be more effective than some of the most common anti-depressant drugs currently on the market.
While previous studies have indicated the effectiveness of turmeric (curcumin) in treating serious depression, this study was the first randomized controlled clinical trial of its kind.
Researchers with the Department of Pharmacology of Government Medical College in Bhavnagar, Gujarat, India compared the effects of turmeric and Prozac (fluoxetine), both used together and individually, in 60 patients diagnosed with major depressive disorder (MDD).
According to, the researchers used the Hamilton Depression Rating Scale to measure their results:
“We observed that curcumin was well tolerated by all the patients. The proportion of responders as measured by the HAM-D17 scale was higher in the combination group (77.8%) than in the fluoxetine [Prozac] (64.7%) and the curcumin (62.5%) groups; however, these data were not statistically significant (P = 0.58). Interestingly, the mean change in HAM-D17 score at the end of six weeks was comparable in all three groups (P = 0.77). This study provides first clinical evidence that curcumin may be used as an effective and safe modality for treatment in patients with MDD without concurrent suicidal ideation or other psychotic disorders.”
While reading the researchers conclusions indicates one treatment (turmeric) is equally effective as Prozac, it doesn’t account for the negative effects of Prozac, which boost turmeric’s value considerably. Prozac is known to cause “suicidal ideation or other psychotic disorders,” frightening side effects that are clearly absent in turmeric use.
In addition to fighting depression, the bright yellow root commonly used in Indian cooking known as turmeric has been found to have numerous health benefits. In addition to this enlightening research on its efficacy in depression treatment, we know it also has value in the treatment of inflammatory conditions, diabetes, and even cancer. If that isn’t enough, it’s also been shown effective in aiding in weight loss and cutting heart disease risk. Plus, it tastes amazing.
Anti-depressant medications are some of the biggest of Big Pharma’s many big money-makers. Equipped with knowledge like the findings of this most recent study, consumers have the potential to undermine their goal of drugging America and the world.
****************PREVOD Z GOOGLOM************************************
Kurkuma bolj učinkovito kot Prozac pri zdravljenju depresije
3. julij 2015
To je splošno znano v naravnem zdravstvenega sveta, ki farmacevtski pogosto (če ne vedno), naredi več škode kot koristi. Prav tako je jasno, da lahko živila, zelišča in druge naravne vire ponujajo podobne ugodnosti, brez teh neprijetnih stranskih učinkov. Še enkrat, so bili naši prepričanja potrdili z znanostjo: Nedavna študija, objavljena v fitoterapije raziskave pravi, da ne gre le kurkuma učinkovita pri zdravljenju depresije, morda celo bolj učinkovito kot nekaj najpogostejših antidepresiv zdravil, ki so trenutno na trgu.
Medtem ko so prejšnje študije so tudi pokazale učinkovitost kurkuma (kurkumin) pri zdravljenju hude depresije, je bila ta študija prvi randomizirano kontrolirano klinično preskušanje svoje vrste.
Raziskovalci z oddelka za farmakologijo vladnega Medical College v Bhavnagar, Gujarat, Indija primerjali učinke kurkuma in Prozac (fluoksetin), oba uporabljena skupaj in posamično, pri 60 bolnikih z diagnozo hudo depresivno motnjo (MDD).
Glede na, so raziskovalci uporabili lestvico Hamilton Depression Rating za merjenje njihove rezultate:
“Opazili smo, da je kurkumin vsi bolniki dobro prenašajo. Delež odzivom, merjena s HAM-D17 lestvici je v skupini vozil (77,8%) večja kot v fluoksetin [Prozac] (64,7%) in kurkumin (62,5%) skupinami; Vendar pa ti podatki niso bile statistično pomembne (p = 0.58). Zanimivo je, da je bila povprečna sprememba v HAM-D17 rezultat na koncu šestih tednih primerljiv v vseh treh skupinah (P = 0,77). Ta študija zagotavlja prvo klinično dokaze, da se kurkumin lahko uporablja kot učinkovito in varno modalnost za zdravljenje bolnikov z MDD brez hkratnega samomorilnimi mislimi ali drugih psihotičnih motenj. ”
Med branjem sklepe Raziskovalci kaže ena obravnava (kurkuma) je enako učinkovit kot Prozac, ne upošteva negativnih učinkov Prozac, ki povečujejo vrednost Kurkuma je precej. Prozac je znano, da povzroča “samomorilne misli ali druge psihotične motnje,” zastrašujoče stranski učinki, ki so očitno ni prisotna v kurkuma uporabo.
Poleg boju proti depresiji, je svetlo rumeno koren običajno uporabljajo v indijski kuhanje znan kot kurkuma ugotovljeno, da imajo številne koristi za zdravje. Poleg tega prosveti raziskav o njeni učinkovitosti pri zdravljenju depresije, vemo, da ima tudi vrednost pri zdravljenju vnetnih stanj, sladkorna bolezen in celo raka. Če to ni dovolj, to je bilo dokazano učinkoviti v pomoč pri hujšanju in rezanje tveganje bolezni srca. Plus, je okus neverjetno.
Antidepresiv zdravila so nekateri največji izmed mnogih velikih denarnih oblikovalci Big Pharma je. Opremljen z znanjem, kot ugotovitvami tega najbolj nedavni raziskavi, imajo potrošniki lahko spodkoplje njihov cilj drugging Ameriki in svetu.