Posted by Ivan on April 9, 2015 What One Banana A Day Can Do For You?2015-04-09T20:22:27+00:00 under Beauty, Diet & Weight Loss, Fruits, General, Health, Healthy Food, Recipes No Comment
After reading this, you’ll love bananas even more.
It is known that bananas contain natural sugars – sucrose, fructose and glucose combined with fiber. Thanks to its ingredients they give us energy, soon after consumption.
What One Banana A Day Can Do For You
Recent research has shown that just two bananas provide enough energy for a strenuous 90-minute workout. No wonder, why athletes most often recommend bananas as the best fruit. However, bananas give not only energy – but they also help with various forms of diseases and conditions of the body, making the inclusion of this fruit in the daily menu mandatory.
Read below and find out, what are bananas good for.
According to a study conducted on people who suffer from depression, many felt better after eating a banana. The reason is tryptophan, a type of protein that the body converts into serotonin known as the hormone of happiness, which relaxes, improves mood and makes us happier.
PMS: Forget about the pills, eat bananas. Vitamin B6 which is contained in bananas regulates the level of glucose which directly affects the mood.
The large amounts of iron in bananas stimulate the production of hemoglobin and thus reduce the chances of getting anemia, but also assist in curing it.
Blood Pressure: This unique fruit is rich in potassium yet low in salt, making it ideal ratio in the fight against high blood pressure. Even the US Food and Drug Administration confirmed that these fruits can be used for the production of drugs and other agents in the fight against stroke and high blood pressure.
The Brain
Two hundred students from the Twickenham School in England for a whole year, in order to easily complete the exam, ate a banana for breakfast, brunch and lunch. It turned out that this led to the students being better and it was easier for them to learn because they were more concentrated due to the potassium from the banana.
Bananas are rich in fiber, which help in normal bowel habits without the use of laxatives.
The Hangover
One of the fastest ways of reducing hangover is a banana milkshake, sweetened with honey. The banana calms the stomach and with the help of honey makes up the blood sugar levels, while the milk soothes and hydrates the body.
Bananas with its natural ingredients act against the acidity of the body, making them the ideal ally in the fight against heartburn.
Morning sickness
Banana as a snack helps maintain the ideal blood sugar levels, which directly reduce the chances of morning sickness.
Mosquito bites
Before reaching for creams and other means to soothe bites, rub the bite place with an inner of a banana skin. Many have confirmed the unbelievable relief and reducing of the swelling and irritation.
Bananas are rich in vitamin B, which calms the nervous system. Instead of processed and fatty foods, in times of stress or after them, the body needs to ensure blood sugar levels for what the bananas are ideal source of carbohydrates.
Bananas are used as a food that helps with intestinal disorders because of its soft texture and smoothness. It is the only fruit that is allowed to be consumed without danger even in the most severe forms of the disease. Bananas neutralize the acidity of the body and reduce irritation, creating a lining inside of the stomach.
Temperature control
In many cultures, bananas are used as a means of cooling, even in pregnant women. In Thailand, pregnant women eat bananas to be sure that the baby will be born with a normal temperature.
Bananas are, therefore, a natural remedy for various conditions and diseases.
When you compare it to an apple, it has four times the protein, twice the carbohydrate, three times the phosphorus, five times the vitamin A and iron, and twice the other vitamins and minerals… It is also rich in potassium.
Maybe it’s time to take a well-known phrase and change it a little – one banana a day keeps the doctor out of the house out!
– See more at: http://www.healthyfoodteam.com/what-one-banana-a-day-can-do-for-you
Kar ene Banana A dan lahko stori za vas?
Napisal Ivan 9 aprila 2015 kar ene Banana A dan lahko stori za vas? 2015-04-09T20:22:27 + 00:00 pod lepote, prehrana & težo izguba, sadje, splošno, zdravje, zdrave hrane, recepti brez komentarja
Po branju tega, boste ljubezen banane še več.
Znano je, da banane vsebujejo naravni sladkorji-saharoze, fruktoze in glukoze, v kombinaciji z vlakni. Zaradi njegove sestavine so nam energije, kmalu po zaužitju.
Kar ene Banana A dan lahko stori za vas
Nedavna raziskava je pokazala, da samo dva banan zagotoviti dovolj energije za naporno vadbo 90 min. Ni čudno, zakaj športniki najpogosteje priporočamo banan kot najboljše sadje. Pa banane daje ne samo energije-, ampak tudi pomoč pri različnih oblikah bolezni in pogoji telesa, zaradi česar vključitev tega sadja v dnevni jedilnik obvezno.
Preberite spodaj in izvedeti, kaj se banane dobro za.
Glede na študije o ljudje, ki trpijo zaradi depresije, mnogi počutil bolje po jedo banane. Razlog je triptofana, vrsta beljakovine, ki se v telesu pretvori v serotonin, znan kot hormon sreče, ki sprošča, izboljšuje razpoloženje in nas srečnejši.
PMS: Pozabi na tablete, jesti banane. Vitamin B6, ki je vsebovan v banane uravnava ravni glukoze, ki neposredno vpliva na razpoloženje.
Velike količine železa v banane spodbujajo proizvodnjo hemoglobina in tako zmanjša možnosti za pridobivanje anemija, ampak tudi pomaga v razsolico prav.
Krvni tlak: To edinstveno sadje je bogat v kalij še nizko vsebnost soli, zaradi česar je idealno razmerje v boju zoper visok krvni tlak. Celo US Food and Drug Administration potrdila, da teh sadja se lahko uporabljajo za proizvodnjo drog in drugih dejavnikov v boju proti kap in visok krvni tlak.
Dvesto študentov Twickenham šolo v Angliji za celo leto, da bi zlahka popolnoma izpit, jedli banane za zajtrk, malico in kosilo. Izkazalo se je, da to privedlo do študentov, da so boljši in je bilo lažje, da izvedeti, ker so bili bolj koncentrirano zaradi kalija iz banan.
Banane so bogata z vlakninami, ki pomaga v normalno črevesno navade brez uporabe odvajal.
Eden od najhitrejših načinov za zmanjševanje mačka je banana milkshake, sladkana z medom. Banana pomirja želodec in s pomočjo medu predstavlja raven sladkorja v krvi, medtem ko je mleko pomirja in vlaži telo.
Banane z njegove naravne sestavine delujejo proti kislost telesa, izdelava jih vzor zaveznik v boju proti zgago.
Zjutraj bolezen
Banan kot prigrizek pomaga ohranjati idealno ravni sladkorja v krvi, ki neposredno zmanjšujejo možnosti bolezni zjutraj.
Preden doseže za kreme in druga sredstva za pomiriti ugrizi, Masiranje kraju ugriz z notranjo kožo banana. Mnogi so potrdili neverjetno relief in zmanjšati oteklino in draženje.
Banane so bogate z vitaminom B, ki pomirja živčni sistem. Namesto predelanih in mastne hrane, v času stresa, ali po njih, telo mora zagotoviti raven sladkorja v krvi, za kaj se banane so idealen vir ogljikovih hidratov.
Banane, ki se uporabljajo kot hrana, ki pomaga pri črevesnih motenj zaradi svoje mehko teksturo in gladkost. To je samo sadje, ki je dovoljeno za zaužitje brez nevarnosti celo v najbolj resnih oblik bolezni. Banane nevtralizirajo kislost v telesu in zmanjšujejo draženje, ustvarjanje sluznice v želodcu.
Nadzor temperature
V mnogih kulturah, banane se uporabljajo kot sredstvo za hlajenje, celo pri nosečnicah. Iz Tajske, nosečnicam jedo banane se prepričajte, da bo dojenček rodil z normalno temperaturo.
Banane so, torej, naravno sredstvo za različne pogoje in bolezni.
Ko ste ga primerjajte z jabolko, ima štirikrat beljakovin, dvakrat je ogljikovih hidratov, trikrat fosforja, petkrat vitamina A in železa, in dvakrat v drugih vitaminov in mineralov… To je tudi bogata kalija.
Morda je čas, da dobro znani stavek in spremeniti malo-ena banana na dan odžene zdravnika iz hiše ven!
-Oglejte si več na: http://www.healthyfoodteam.com/what-one-banana-a-day-can-do-for-you/#sthash.DzP1ieee.dpuf