Raw Spaghetti With ‘Bolognese’ Sauce [Vegan, Raw, Gluten-Free]

Recipe Monster


  • 3 zucchini
  • 3.5 ounces sun-dried tomatoes
  • 3.5 ounces walnuts
  • juice from 1/2 lemon
  • 1 tbsp pine nut butter
  • salt & pepper
  • chili flakes ( only a pinch )


  1. Cut the zucchinis with a spiralizer to make them look like spaghetti. If you don’t like zucchini, you could also use carrots.
  2. In a blender, mix all of the other ingredients together (except for the walnuts). Season to taste with salt, pepper and some chili powder. Add the walnuts and blend again, but pulse no more than a couple of times. You want to have some nutty bits in your sauce to give it that traditional bolognese sauce look.
  3. Pour the tomato sauce over the zucchini spaghetti, and serve.

16 ekoloških antibiotikov in antibiotiki, ki bi morali biti v vsakem domu!


by Gregg Prescott, M.S.
Editor, BodyMindSoulSpirit.com

It’s always a good idea to have organic antibiotics on hand, especially if the sh*t hits the fan and supplies are hard to find. The following video recommends 5 different antibiotics and backs them up with medical proof along with what they’re good for.

The following is an excerpt from the video’s website:
1. Oil of Oregano Pills – In my opinion, this is one of the top herbal antibiotic choices. It is very potent- it take 1000 pounds of oregano to make just 1 pound of oil of oregano.
Research says: Georgetown University Medical Center tested oil of oregano in vitro on staphylococcus bacteria. They found that even small amounts were as effective as the standard antibiotic. Also, the journal of medicine reported a study where oil of oregano showed significant antibacterial properties against 5 species of harmful bacteria, especially e-coli.
Oil of oregano has two active compounds- caravacrol and thymol. Dr. Axe says on his website that carvacrol treats or reduces bacterial infections, fungal infections, parasites, viruses, inflammation, candida, and tumors.
Many sources recommended taking oil of oregano for only 2-4 weeks at a time. I personally recommend taking it in pill form due to the strong nature of it. I like the Gaia brand of oil of oregano.
Oil of oregano is also antiviral and antifungal.

2. Olive Leaf – Olive leaf is the leaf of the olive tree and is a very popular herbal antibiotic alternative.
Research says: While some studies show it not to be a broad spectrum antibiotic alternative, it does show activity against harmful stomach bacteria, as well as the often antibiotic resistant MRSA.
Olive leaf is also antiviral and antifungal.

3. Garlic cloves – Very rich in antioxidants. One of the well known active components of garlic is allicin, which can be found in freshly crushed garlic. However, other parts clearly work in synergy to produce garlic’s beneficial effects, since even aged garlic shows promising health benefits.
Research says: Many studies confirm its antimicrobial properties. One study showed that garlic enhanced the action of the antibiotic gentamicin, and even negated its negative effects on the kidneys. Another study showed garlic to shorten the common cold, and the University of Maryland advises that it may strengthen the immune system.
Garlic is also antifungal and antiviral.

4. Goldenseal – This is a very astringent herb, and is often used for infections of the mucus membranes. It is also used for inflammation. Goldenseal contains antimicrobial alkaloids, the main one being berberine.
Goldenseal actually hinders bacteria from adhering to tissue surfaces. Goldenseal is also antifungal, anti-diarrheal, and is effective against protozoa.
Research says: The University of NC confirms its activity against MRSA. In another study, the Egypt Agricultural Center infected fish with bacteria. One set received antibiotics, and one set received goldenseal. The fish that were treated with antibiotics had a 84% recovery rate, whereas the ones treated with goldenseal had a 87% recovery rate.

5. Vitamin C – When the body has high levels of vitamin c, immunity is increased. When sickness and stress are present, levels of vitamin c are depleted. Therefore, common sense tells me that attention to vitamin c levels are of utmost importance, especially when one is under some sort of stress.
Research says: A group of researchers at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in NYC found that vitamin C killed a resistant culture in vitro, and they found that it could not develop a resistance to vitamin c.
For more information on vitamin c, visit peakenergy.com. I also recommend searching for videos of Dr. Thomas Levy (of peakenergy) talking about vitamin c on YouTube. I personally take liposomal vitamin c.

From my own experience, anytime I feel like I’m coming down with a cold or flu-like symptoms, I’ll take 1000mg of Vitamin C, 3 times a day for a week. Usually, within 2-4 days, whatever I had is gone!

You may also want to consider the following as well:

6. Echinacea tincture – antibacterial; respiratory, digestive and genitourinary tracts. Excellent for a sore throat.

7. Andrographis paniculata – antibacterial; upper respiratory tract infections and sinus issues. Sore throat, cough, headache.

8. Manuka honey – antibacterial, excellent for wounds and MRSA.

9. Bee propolis – antibiotic, anti-inflammatory and anti-viral; respiratory infections.

10. Colloidal silver – antibiotic; upper respiratory ailments, toothaches. Colloidal silver has been reported to kill well over 600 different germ strains while most over the counter antibiotics are only effective against a few. Can also be used for ear and sinus infections.

A few years ago, I had a toothache and tried various over the counter remedies that only masked the pain, and very poorly at doing so.  I researched the issue and found a solution of swishing colloidal silver in my mouth for several minutes each day.  That did the trick and I haven’t had any issues with that tooth (or any other tooth) since!  I use the Sovereign Silver brand because it’s so easily absorbable but feel free to use any well-known brand or make your own!  There are a vast number of YouTube tutorials that can teach you how to do this.

11. Oregon Grape – antibacterial; intestine and urinary tract.

12. Tea tree oil– antibiotic; effective against yeast and fungi, bacterial infections.

13. Grapefruit seed extract – broad spectrum antibiotic, fungicide, antiviral and antiparasitic;

14. Forsythia suspensa – broad spectrum antibiotic

15. Coenzyme Q10 – antibiotic; upper respiratory.  bronchitis, COPD

16. Bromelain – antibiotic; upper respiratory. bronchitis

Which one of these do you use?  Are there other ones that you would like to suggest to our readers?  Comment below!

Article originally published on bodymindsoulspirit.com republished with permission




Gregg Prescott,
Urednik, BodyMindSoulSpirit.com
To je vedno dobra ideja, da so ekološko antibiotikov na strani, še posebej, če je sh * t zadetkov ventilatorja in dobave so težko najti. Naslednji video priporoča 5 različnih antibiotikov in jih podprla z zdravniško dokazilo skupaj z, kaj oni dobro za.
V nadaljevanju je odlomek iz video na spletni strani:
1. olje Origano tablete-po mojem mnenju, to je eden od top zeliščni antibiotik izbire. To je zelo močan-to Vzemi 1000 funtov origana, da samo 1 funt olje origana.
Raziskave pravi: Georgetown University Medical Center preizkušen olje Origano v in vitro na bakterije staphylococcus. Ugotovili so, da celo majhne količine niso bili tako uspešni kot standard antibiotik. Tudi, poroča journal of medicine študija, kjer olje origana je pokazala pomembne antibakterijske lastnosti proti 5 vrst škodljivih bakterij, še posebej e-coli.
Olje origana ima dva aktivna caravacrol spojinami in timol. Dr. Axe pravi na svoji spletni strani, da carvacrol obravnava ali zmanjšuje bakterijskih okužb, glivične okužbe, paraziti, virusi, vnetje, candida in tumorjev.
Veliko virov priporočil, ki olje origana za samo 2-4 tednov časa. Osebno priporočam, pri čemer je v obliki tabletke zaradi močne narave je. Mi je všeč blagovno znamko Gaia olje origana.
Origano olje je tudi protivirusno in protiglivično.
2. Olive Leaf-Olive leaf leaf oljčno drevo in je zelo priljubljena alternativa zeliščni antibiotik.
Raziskave pravi: medtem ko so nekatere študije kažejo, da ne sme biti širokospektralni antibiotik alternativa, kažejo aktivnost proti želodec škodljive bakterije, kot tudi pogosto antibiotikom odpornih MRSA.
Oljčnih listov je tudi protivirusno in protiglivično.
3. česen klinčki – zelo bogata z antioksidanti. Ena znana aktivnih komponent česen je allicin, ki jih najdemo v sveže sesekljan česen. Vendar, druge dele obneseta v sinergiji za proizvodnjo koristne učinke česen, saj celo starih česen kaže obetavnih koristi za zdravje.
Raziskave, pravi: veliko študije potrjujejo svojo antimikrobne lastnosti. Ena študija je pokazala, da česen okrepljeno delovanje antibiotik gentamicin, in celo izniči negativne učinke na ledvice. Druga študija je pokazala česen skrajšati prehlad in University of Maryland svetuje, da lahko okrepi imunski sistem.
Česen je tudi protiglivično in protivirusno.
4. goldenseal – to je zelo adstrigentno zelišč, in se pogosto uporablja za zdravljenje okužb sluznice. Uporablja se tudi za vnetje. Goldenseal vsebuje protimikrobno alkaloide, glavni od njih pa berberine.
Goldenseal dejansko ovira bakterije iz drži tkivo površine. Goldenseal je tudi proti glivicam, anti-drisko, in je učinkovit proti protozojem.
Raziskave pravi: Univerza NC potrjuje svoje activity proti MRSA. V drugi študiji, Egipt kmetijski Center okužene ribe z bakterijami. En nabor prejela antibiotikov, in en komplet prejetih goldenseal. Ribe, ki so bili zdravljeni z antibiotiki je 84 % obnovo stopnje, ker tisti, ki se zdravijo z goldenseal had a 87 % stopnjo vračila.
5. Vitamin C – ko telo ima visoko raven vitamina c, imuniteta se poveča. Ko bolezen in stres so prisotni, ravni vitamina c so osiromašeni. Zato razum mi pravi, da pozornost ravni vitamina c so izjemnega pomena, še posebej, če eden je iz neke vrste stresa.
Raziskave pravi: skupina raziskovalcev na Albert Einstein College of Medicine v New YORKU ugotovil, da vitamin C ubil odporne kulture pri in vitro, in so ugotovili, da ni mogel razviti odpornosti na vitamin c.
Za več informacij o vitamina c, obiščite peakenergy.com. Jaz tudi priporočam iskal videospote dr Thomas dajatve (peakenergy) govorimo o vitamin c na YouTube. Osebno vzamem liposomski vitamin c.
Iz lastne izkušnje, kadarkoli čutim, da prihajam s hladno ali gripi podobni simptomi, vzamem 1000mg vitamina c, 3-krat na dan, za teden dni. Običajno, v 2-4 dni, kar sem imel je zgubljen!
Boste morda želeli razmisliti tudi naslednje:
6. Echinacea tinkture – antibakterijske; dihal, prebavil in sečil in spolovil trakta. Odličen je za vneto grlo.
7. Andrographis paniculata – antibakterijske; okužbe zgornjih dihal in sinusov vprašanja. Vneto grlo, kašelj, glavobol.
8. Manuka medu-antibakterijsko, odličen za rane in MRSA.
9. čebele propolis – antibiotik, protivnetno in anti-virusni; okužbe dihal.
10. koloidno srebro-antibiotika; zgornjih dihal, zobobol. Koloidnega srebra so poročali, da je ubil več kot 600 različnih kalčkov sevov, medtem ko večina nad counter antibiotiki učinkujejo le proti nekaj. Lahko uporabijo tudi za uho in sinusni okužb.

Pred nekaj leti, sem imel zobobol in poskušal različnih OTC pravna sredstva, ki samo zamaskiranih bolečine, in zelo slabo na tem. Raziskati vprašanje in najti rešitev za mahanje koloidnega srebra v moja usta za nekaj minut vsak dan. To did ukana in nisem imel nobenih vprašanj s, zob (ali poljuben drugi zob) od! Uporabiti blagovno znamko suvereno srebro, ker je tako zlahka absorbira, vendar vas prosimo, da uporabite vse znane blagovne znamke, ali bi svojo! Obstaja veliko število YouTube vaje, ki lahko naučil, kako to storiti.

11. Oregon grozdnega – antibakterijske; črevesa in sečnega trakta.
12. tea tree olje-antibiotika; učinkovito proti kvasa in gliv, bakterijske okužbe.
13. ekstrakt semen grenivke – širokospektralni antibiotik, fungicid, protivirusno in antiparazitik;
14. forsythia suspensa-antibiotik širokega spektra
15. koencim Q10-antibiotika; zgornjih dihal. bronhitis, KOPB
16. Bromelain – antibiotika; zgornjih dihal. bronhitis
Katera od teh uporabljate? Ali obstajajo druge tiste, ki bi želeli predlagati za naše bralce? Komentar spodaj!
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Očistite jetra s pitjem pijače iz ovsa

This recipe will help you cleanse your liver and your pancreas. It also regulates cholesterol and relieves constipation. Health experts say that it improves heart function and strengthens the nerve system.



  • 12 oz/ 350 ml water (hot)
  • 1.5 tbsp oats


Rinse the oats. Pour in a glass and a half of boiling water and leave it overnight, but not less than 12 hours.

Drain the water. Drink 1 glass (8 oz/ 230 ml) every morning and evening before you eat or drink anything. Drink it warm. For optimal results, drink this cleansing remedy for a year.




Ta recept bo pomagal osvoboditi jetra in trebušni slinavki. Tudi ureja holesterola in odpravlja zaprtje. Zdravstveni strokovnjaki pravijo, da se izboljša delovanje srca in krepi živčni sistem.
12 oz/350 ml vode (vroča)
1,5 žlice oves
Sperite oves. Nalijemo v kozarec in pol vrele vode in pusti čez noč, vendar ne manj kot 12 ur.
Odtok vode. Pijte 1 stekla (8 oz/230 ml) zjutraj in zvečer, preden boste jesti ali piti ničesar. Piti toplo. Za optimalne rezultate, piti to čiščenje sredstvo za eno leto.

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