Homemade Beverage That Will Remove All Kinds Of Pains


In this article we will present you a recipe that freshens and hydrates the entire organism. Besides that, it also acts as an analgesic, which means it soothes the removes pains.

In case you are dealing with body aches, try this tea. The tea is contained of ingredients, which with their synergy acts beneficially when it comes to suppression of pains.

Recipe for analgesic tea

Ingredients needed:

– 1 teaspoon of honey

– 1 teaspoon of cinnamon

– Half a cup of almond milk

– 2 teaspoon of black tea

– 2 glasses of water

– 2 teaspoons of powdered turmeric

– 2 teaspoons of ground cardamom

– 2,5 cm long piece of ginger, ground

Method of preparation:

Put the ginger, powdered turmeric, cardamom and cinnamon in the water and place the mixture on fire for 10 minutes. Add the black tea in the mixture, as well, and cook for another 2 minutes. Once the mixture is cooked, strain it in the cup of almond milk. Sweeten the resulting remedy with honey.

Way of consuming:

Drink the resulting remedy throughout the day as soon as you feel body aches.

This beverage’s health benefits:

– Honey

Honey soother both body aches and joint inflammation. It also kills the most resistant bacteria and can be used as prevention against season bacteria.

– Cinnamon

This spice possesses antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. It is used in the treatment against arthritis and back pain. Recent studies confirm its analgesic action, It also reduces the risk of heart attack and it has been proven to be effective against diabetes type 2.

– Almond milk

By regularly consuming almonds you will be able to decrease different types of body aches, joint pain, headaches and muscle pains. All this is provided thanks to salicin, a compound similar to aspirin. This compound also helps in maintaining both heart’s health and desired body weight.

– Black tea

Black tea contains theaflavins which reduce damage to muscle fibers after exercise. Contains antioxidants needed for good health.

– Treats headaches

– It prevents tumor cells’ development

– Slows skin’s aging process

– Prevents caries

– Improves blood vessels’ health

– It improves urine flow

– Reduce the risk of a stroke

– Reduces symptoms of Parkinson’s disease

– Reduces secretion of hormones that cause stress

– Improve mental abilities

– Helps when it comes to dealing with stomach diseases, diarrhea and vomiting.

– Water

Water is necessary for entire organism’s health, as well we for cleansing the kidneys and liver. Water is highly important for maintaining healthy and beautiful skin.

– Cardamom

This spice freshen the breath, eliminates waste products from the kidneys and protects of certain types of cancer. It also prevents blood clot occurrence, helps with depression, reduces high blood pressure and reduces the symptoms of flu and cold. Cardamom is great against bloating, digestive problems, constipation and burping.

– Ginger

It helps with menstrual cramps and is useful against inflammations. Ginger also has the ability to reduce bloating and to prevent stomach cramps.

PROTI IZPADANJU LAS JE KORENČEK – Bing je prevedel v slo, spodaj je original

Zbogom izpadanje las: maska za krepitev korena z ruski zdravnik!
Posted by Ivan Andreevski 30 marec 2015
Ta maska obnavlja strukturo las korenine in ustavi lasje padejo in uspeti morate samo ena hrana..
Problem izpadanje in šibke lase korenine ni nič nenavadnega, in izdelkov, ki obstajajo na trgu redko pomaga. Vendar, kot vse ostalo, za te težave najboljša rešitev je na voljo po naravi!
Ruski zdravnik Tatjana Aleksandrovič Konovalov odkrili recept za preprosto masko za krepitev las korenine.
To masko obnavlja strukturo las korenine in ustavi padec, in ustvariti vse kar potrebujete je le eno hrano – korenje!
Kot odličen vir vitamina B-karoten in vitamin A, korenje zagotavljajo ne samo dober vid, pa tudi vpliva na zdravje na lasišču, kar je bistvenega pomena za zdrave lase. Hranila, ki vsebujejo korenje lahko izboljša zdravje las, nohtov in kože. Poleg tega korenje pomagajo pri razstrupljanju celega telesa, vključno z lasišča – in nastanek novih celic.
Priprava je tudi zelo preprost: fino Naribamo nekaj sveže korenje in vtrite v lasnih korenin.
Pustimo jih na najmanj 15 minut, nato sperite na konvencionalen način.
Na začetku, uporablja masko vedno pred umivanju las vsaj 5-krat zapored.
Ko poostrite lasje, je dovolj, da uporabljajo nariban korenček, enkrat na mesec in prvi rezultati bodo videli po samo nekaj zdravljenja!
Goodbye Hair Loss: Mask for Strengthening of the Root by a Russian Doctor!
Posted by Ivan Andreevski on March 30, 2015 Goodbye Hair Loss: Mask for Strengthening of the Root by a Russian Doctor!2015-03-30T01:47:12+02:00 under Beauty, General, Health, Healthy Food, Recipes No Comment
This mask regenerates the structure of the hair roots and stops the hair fall, and to make it you will need only one
Goodbye Hair Loss Mask for Strengthening of the Root by a Russian Doctor!
The problem of hair loss and weak hair roots is not uncommon, and the products that exist in the market rarely help. But, as for everything else, for this problem the best solution is offered by nature!
Russian doctor Tatjana Aleksandrovich Konovalov discovered the recipe for a simple mask for strengthening hair roots.
This mask regenerates the structure of the hair roots and stops the decline, and to create one all you need is just one food – carrots!
As a great source of vitamin B-carotene and vitamin A, carrots provide not only a good vision, but also affect the health of the scalp, which is essential for healthy hair. The nutrients that carrots contain can improve the health of the hair, nails and skin. In addition, carrots help detoxify the entire body including the scalp – and the creation of new cells.
Preparation is also very simple: Finely grate some fresh carrots and rub it into the hair roots.
Leave them on for a minimum of 15 minutes, then rinse in a conventional manner.
At the beginning, apply the mask always before washing your hair at least 5 times in a row.
When you strengthen the hair, it is enough to apply the grated carrot once a month and the first results will be seen after only a few treatments!
Try it!

Easy To Make Apple Pie Flowers. Sweet & Delicious.

Looking to make a warm treat for winter. Try these!

A simple and easy dessert treat these apple pie flowers will make a mess of your kitchen but make you look like a master chef. NO SKILLS REQUIRED.

Here is what you will need:


2 Apples (Red Delicious)
2 Pastry Sheets – 1 Sheet makes about 4
Half a Lemon

Sharp Knife
Large Bowl
Rolling Pin
Silicon Cupcake Tray

How to make them:

Chop apples in half and core.

Thinly slice each segment (the thinner the better).

Fill bowl with water and add half a lemon.

Place apple slices in bowl and microwave for three minutes.

Drain apple slices.

On your kitchen bench, cover a section with flour and place one pastry sheet on top and sprinkle with flour.

Using your rolling pin, roll the pastry sheet out making it nice and thin.

Place your apple slices so the skins hang over the edge of the pastry.

once you have layer them on the top edge, sprinkle with some cinnamon and roll from one side to the other.

Continue this until you have made the desired amour of apple pie flowers.

Place them in your silicon cupcake tray (or butter a normal cup cake tray) and place in the oven for 30 minutes on 210 degrees Celsius.

Leave to cool slightly and serve warm.

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