How to Clear Your Sinuses with Your Tongue and Your Thumb in 20 Seconds Plus 4 Home Remedies For Sinus Infection – SPODAJ JE RAČUNALNIŠKI PREVOD V SLOVENŠČINO


A sinus infection is the most annoying and uncomfortable feeling.  Unfortunately, sinus infections are very common; it affects around 37 million Americans a year.  Sinus infections are an inflammation of the lining in the sinus cavities. Sinusitis can be caused by colds, flu, bacteria or allergies. Fortunately, you don’t have to over-medicate yourself with conventional drugs, there are many natural and effective remedies for a sinus infection.

The Top 4 DIY Home Remedies for Sinus Infection

1. Apple Cider Vinegar – Apple cider vinegar is a hailed sinus infection treatment. Being just one of many apple cider vinegar uses, countless individuals attest to the effectiveness of apple cider vinegar against a multitude of health conditions, including sinus infection. One of the most powerful ways to use ACV is to mix 8oz of warm water with 2 tbsp of ACV and 1 tbsp of honey. The sinus infection could vanish within just a few days. Another option when taking apple cider vinegar is to simply take 1 tablespoon 3 times daily, whether diluted to ingest throughout the day or made to ingest quickly. Lastly, you can also try steaming with apple cider vinegar; mix ~1/2 cup of ACV with 1/2 of water, heat it on the stove, and inhale the steam with mouth and eyes closed. I recommend using organic ACV over non-organic.

2. Turmeric – Thanks to a powerful compound found in turmeric known as curcumin, turmeric possesses powerful health benefits. Among the health benefits of turmeric is the spice’s ability to treat sinus infection. Curcumin helps to heal the sinus cavity and clear the airways. Since sinus infections are caused by nasal inflammation, and turmeric possesses anti-inflammatory properties, the spice can be seen as one of the existing natural cures for sinus infection.

3. Nasal Saline Rinse – While the above remedies may suffice, a nasal saline rinse is also a very popular sinus infection treatment to store in your home remedies memory bank. For the mixture, you could try mixing ~1/4 teaspoon of sea salt or pickling salt with a pinch of baking soda and a cap-full of food-grade hydrogen peroxide in 1 cup of warm water or simply use sea salt/pickling salt and warm water. If you have never done a nasal irrigation, or saline rinse before, ask someone who has for assistance or try following detailed directions. It may not be the most comfortable of solutions, but a nasal saline rinse seems to continuously be passed down as one of the more effective home remedies for sinus infection.

4. Oregano Oil – While it may not be the most accessible of the home remedies for sinus infection, oregano oil can be an effective sinus infection treatment. Not only could you simply ingest the oregano oil, but the oil can also be steamed and inhaled over a stove (with eyes closed). In addition to being a potential treatment for sinus infection, oregano oil benefits may also help to improve digestion, aid in fighting infections, and improve biological function – especially in the liver and colon.

In addition to the above home remedies for sinus infection treatment, you could try utilizing some of these options.

-Elevate your head while sleeping.

-Apply warm compresses to your face multiple times daily for 5 minutes each.

-Vitamin C is an excellent immune booster, and can help to fend off sinus infections. Try taking up to 1000 mg of vitamin C 1-3 times daily.

-Drink got liquids to help moisturize your mucous membranes and to help wash away mucus out of your sinuses more quickly.

-Clean your house and especially your bedroom. Using a HEPA filter air purifier will also be beneficial.

How to Clear Your Sinuses with Your Tongue and Your Thumb in 20 Seconds

Push your tongue against the top of your mouth and place a finger between your eyebrows and apply pressure. Hold it for about 20 seconds and your sinuses will begin to drain.

According to Lisa DeStefano, D.O., an assistant professor at the Michigan State University college of osteopathic medicine, this causes the vomer bone, which runs through the nasal passages to the mouth, to rock back and forth, says  The motion loosens congestion; after 20 seconds, you’ll feel your sinuses start to drain.

Please comment and share your personal experiences below. Tell everyone what has and hasn’t worked for you, as well as your own natural solutions.


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Kako v veder vaš sinusov z vašega jezika in palcem v 20 sekundah Plus 4 Domov revizijah za sinusni okužbe

Sinusov je najbolj siten in neprijeten občutek. Na žalost, sinus okužbe so zelo pogoste; prizadene približno 37 milijonov Američanov na leto. Sinus okužbe so vnetje sluznice v sinusni votline. Sinusitis je lahko posledica prehladi, gripe, bakterij ali alergije. Na srečo, vam ni treba preveč sami zdraviti s konvencionalnimi zdravili, obstaja veliko naravnih in učinkovita sredstva za okužbo sinusov.

Top 4… DIY… Domov revizijah za sinusni okužbe  DIY == NAREDI SAM
1. jabolčni kis – jabolčni kis je govorilo sinus okužba zdravljenje. Je le eden od številnih apple Jabolčnik Kis uporablja, nešteto posamezniki potrjujejo učinkovitost jabolčni kis proti številne zdravstvene pogoje, vključno z okužbo sinusov. Je eden izmed najmočnejših načinov rabiti ACV 8oz tople vode zmešajte z 2 žlici ACV in 1 žlica medu. Sinus okužba lahko izgine v nekaj dneh. Drugo možnost, ko ob jabolčni kis je preprosto sprejeti 1 žlica 3-krat dnevno, ali razredčen zaužijejo ves dan, ali na hitro zaužijejo. Končno, lahko poskusite tudi paro z jabolčnega kisa; ~1/2 skodelico ACV zmešamo z 1/2 vode segrejemo na štedilniku in vdihavajte paro z ust in oči zaprte. Jaz priporočam uporabo organskih ACV nad neekoloških.
2. kurkuma-zahvaljujoč močni spojina najti v kurkumi, znan kot kurkumin, kurkuma ima močan zdravstvene koristi. Med zdravstvene koristi kurkuma je začimba je sposobnost zdraviti sinusov. Kurkumin pomaga zdraviti v sinusni votlini in počistite dihalnih poti. Sinus okužbe povzročijo vnetje, in ker kurkuma ima protivnetne lastnosti, začimba mogoče razumeti kot enega od obstoječih naravnih zdravil za okužbo sinusov.
3. nosni slanih sperite – medtem ko zgoraj pravnih sredstev lahko zadostuje, nosni slanih sperite je tudi zelo priljubljena sinus okužba zdravljenje za shranjevanje v vaši banki spomin domača pravna sredstva. Za mešanice, lahko poskusite mešanje ~1/4 žličke morske soli ali dekapiranja sol ščepec sode bikarbone in cap-polno hrane razred vodikovega peroksida v 1 skodelico tople vode ali nekomplicirano raba morja, soli/dekapiranja soli in toplo vodo. Če ste nikoli storiti nosne namakanje ali slanih sperite pred, vprašati, kdo je za pomoč ali poskusite po natančnem opisu. Morda ne bo najbolj udobno rešitev, vendar nosni slanih sperite zdi nenehno prehajalo kot eden od bolj učinkovitih domača pravna sredstva za okužbo sinusov.
4. Origano olje-čeprav morda ne bo najbolj dostopna domača pravna sredstva za okužbo sinusov, Origano olje je lahko učinkovito sinus okužba zdravljenje. Ne samo, da lahko preprosto zaužiti olje Origano, ampak olje lahko tudi pari in vdihavanju nad štedilnikom (z zaprtimi očmi). Poleg tega, da možnosti zdravljenja za okužbo sinusov, Origano olje koristi lahko tudi pomaga izboljšati prebavo, pomoč v boju proti okužbe in izboljšanje biološke funkcije – predvsem v jetrih in debelo črevo.
Poleg zgornjih Domov revizijah za sinus okužba zdravljenje, lahko poskusite z uporabo nekaterih od teh možnosti.
-Dvigniti glavo med spanjem.
-Uporaba tople obloge obraz večkrat dnevno 5 minut.
-Vitamin C je odličen imunski booster, in lahko pomagajo Odbijati off okužbe sinusov. Poskusite ob do 1000 mg vitamina c 1 – 3 krat dnevno.
-Pijača dobil tekočine pomaga moisturize vaš sluznico in pomoč sprati sluz iz vaše sinusov hitreje.
-Čisto svojo hišo in še posebej svojo spalnico. Z uporabo filter HEPA zraka Pročisćavač bo tudi koristna.
Kako v veder vaš sinusov z vašega jezika in palcem v 20 sekundah
Push vaš jezik proti vrhu usta in prst, med obrvi in izvajati pritisk. Držite za približno 20 sekund in vaš sinusov začeli odteče.
Po Lisa DeStefano, do, docent na na Michigan stanje University college of osteopathic medicine, to povzroča vomer kosti, ki poteka skozi nosni prehodi v usta, da rock in nazaj, pravi gibanja šibkejši zastojev; po 20 sekundah, se boste počutili vaš sinusov, začetek, da odteče.
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